Thursday, August 30, 2012

To Bra Or Not To Bra

Dear Sisters,
     This is the second day in a row I have gone Braless. I woke up yesterday morning and ask myself, "To wear a bra or not to wear a bra, that is the Question? And the answer came quickly..No!!! I shall not wear a bra today or any other day if I shant desireth to wear one!!! So I am hanging loose..Maybe this is kind of how it feels to be a man. Body parts hanging around all loose like. I even went to Walmart braless and didn't get my picture taken...that I know of. I am sick of Bra's. No matter how many times I fix the straps they keep falling down and I am constantly reaching into my blouse to put them back up onto my shoulders. So I am hereby stating that I will be the baggy, saggy  sister who doesn't give a crap what other people think. I will be the one to break the 'Thou shalt wear a stupid bra, all the days of thy life' commandment. I will do this for all of my sisters and daughters and nieces and granddaughters! No matter the persecution I might have to bear. You are welcome!!
     I have been in Pleasant Grove, Utah at Janae's for the last three days. She was having a hard time with her sweet new baby crying at nights.  So I am the best grandmother in the world and I have been walking the floor each night and having total recall back to the good old days. Those days when you walked and patted and rocked and jiggled and tried not to breathe the wrong way, all at the same time. And the baby finally quiets down and you don't dare stop walking and patting and rocking and jiggling and breathing the wrong way, all at the same time because you know that very soon the baby will be asleep and because you are so tired you think you will drop dead of exhaustion at any moment. Then the baby starts crying again. Wow, I remember those nights so clearly. And the only advice I can give my sweet daughter is 'This too shall pass.' I know it doesn't help too much right now but that's all I got. After raising seven babies of my own..that's the only advice I can give anyone...I used to know everything. I knew that when babies cried all you had to do was nurse them. I knew that babies got thrush because you weren't clean enough. I knew that the reason you didn't have enough milk was because you weren't eating healthy enough. I knew that you had to breastfeed your baby come hell or high water. This sweet baby cries every night except the nights she gets formula. She loves her formula. Her tummy is so tempermental that her mommy has to live on bread, No Butter. Cereal, No Milk and sandwiches, No Cheese. No fruit, too gassy, no beans, too gassy, no pepper, onions or tacos, too gassy!  So her mommy and me are just about ready to concede. Formula it is. Bring it on. Bring on the $30.00 a week expense, the constipation and the smelly breath. We want our sleep!!!!! Never thought you would hear me utter those words, did you. Well, I have said them. I am humbled by a three week old baby girl. She is adorable and she can have anything she wants. Just ask her grandma!!             See you losers at the Ranch in a couple of days! Love you all, Jelene

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Why I still cut my bangs too short...

No wonder Lilly turned out to be the cosmotologist. She is the only one in the group that has decent bangs. The rest of us got scalped. Wouldn't want to have to trim them too often or anything.

I remember that Mother couldn't stand our hair in our eyes. And now I can't stand all these Justin Bieber hair cuts.  I'm just like her in so many ways.

 Maybe someday my kids will hate or relish the fact that I handed down to them all of my crazy notions and ideas of what is proper and what is not acceptable. It will be interesting to see.
Love Donna

Me and my daughter

Just saw this picture and thought it was alittle crazy at how much alike we look. Except Bailey's wardrobe was uptown compared to my ranch clothes. When she looks at my childhood pictures she always talks about how terrible my clothes were. Too funny.  Donna

The Wimpy Sister

For some reason God sent me to be the wimpy sister. I was the last girl (until Donna came along five years later) of 5 girls in a row. I was blonde and frail, skinny and weak, wimpy and winey. I think I was all of those because I learned that if you were tough and strong, durable and robust, you didn't get as much attention. If I was sick, my precious Mother would rub my feet and spend a few precious moments on just me. So out of pure necessity, I was the wimpy, sick one.  Helen, Ruth and Beth milked and fed the cows. They would have to buck 200lb bales of hay into a truck so they could feed the range cows. They could ride horses like the rodeo stars. They were tough as nails and strong. They would win every arm wresting contest from all the city boys that dared come up to our mountain. Le Roy was the softest, ugliest and weirdest of all of Helen's suitors. He had a brother, Larry, who was SO hairy you hardly new what color his skin was. We knew Helen could take care of herself. One punch and she would have knocked him flat on his ass.  One time Doyle, a city boy from a polygamist group in Montana, came out to the ranch. He was there to check out my sisters. Word had gotten out that there were some hot chicks out in the woods. He was about 5 10, 175lbs. Compared to Le Roy, Dolye was very handsome. The best way to see if he was worth anything was to take him with us and see if he could keep up. We, us girls, had to go get a big load of hay for the cows from a neighboring ranch. Well, he thought he was all that and he wanted to show off his muscles.  OMG. My sisters could out buck him and out everything him. We were not impressed. It gets worse. So Doyle thought he knew how to stack hay on a truck. Helen tried to tell him, but he wouldn't listen. It was a big truck, we had at least 150 bales of hay loaded on it. When it was all loaded we looked at each other and thought, well, I hope we make it home with out our load falling off.
Dolye, being the male had to drive, and me being the youngest got to sit next to him because my sisters where not about to. There was no way to make it home and not bump into him. There were 4 of us teenage girls and a wimpy man crammed into the cab of that old truck. It was a stick shift so of course his arm rested on my leg every time he shifted gears. The ride home was tense. Not much conversing going on. The road home is extremely dangerous, with twists and turns, sharp corners and high cliffs, with a reservoir to boot. By now us girls knew that road like the back of our hand. We could close our eyes and we knew where we were just by feeling the turns and hills. I spent many trips home over that dirt road praying that God would spare my life. Please God, help us get home safe. When our Father or brothers drove, they liked to see how fast they could take the corners or catch air on the hills. If we dared to say, "Please slow down", they would go faster. So praying was our only option. Now we knew Dolye didn't know our road, and we were to polite to tell him how to drive. Sure enough, here comes a dangerous corner. I started praying. He was going too fast when he realized there was a sharp turn. Looking back, I remember it felt like the truck was tipped on two wheels. God took his hand and tipped the truck back on its tires and back on the road, with only half of our load down in the raven. There was no way we were going to get those bales up that steep hill. It was dead silence in that truck the rest of the way home. Dolye helped us unload what bales were left. Then he got in his truck and we never saw him again. He was probably scarred for life, but thanks to God, we are still here to tell our story. It was going to take a real man to sweep my amazing sisters off their feet.    Love Lilly                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Monday, August 27, 2012

Father and Mother

Whenever, I look at this picture of our parents when they were young. I can see how my mother fell in love with this handsome guy. I can only imagine my father in his 20's. I like to think that he swept my mother off of her feet and was really fun and debonair. I hope he was sweet and that they had lots of fun together before they ruined it all and had 17 kids. Hahahahahahahahahha.......

He still looks like he's got the charm at 70 something. I really wish that my Mother would have been able to talk to us more about her feelings and experiences. I feel like she had answers to some of my big "life" questions but never told me the answer. Sometimes I have sad feelings about our relationship. You all probably feel the same way. Even though we talked and visited, I never felt like she confided in me any private feelings or information. She had a very thick wall up and I can't really ever remember it coming down.

My goal in life is to not put any walls up between me and my kids and maybe my husband. lol.
I want to try to love as much as I can.

Love you all
Good night.

Yes, he was a handsome son of a gun. You know he swept her off her feet and promised her the world. I hope they had amazing sex in the early years, and I hope that he took time to please her in bed. Ive been reading "Fifty Shades of Grey" and its all about pleasing each other.  Then they got to busy cause those babies just kept coming. God Bless Them.  I remember Father  saying "Isn't she beautiful" about our Mother. She was a Beautiful Lady.  I think they loved each others as best they knew how.  Yes we are all messed up because of the relationship they had.  We don't really know what a normal relationship looks like. And communication skills, well I don't have very many.
My relationship with our Mother was very shallow also. One time I asked her what it was like when they got kicked out of the Mormon church.  She said," It was the loneliest time in her life next to when they moved out to the ranch into exile. For all that she went through, she tryed to stay positive and look for the good.  Maybe that's why she wouldn't talk about her past because it wasn't a happy time or it made her sad. She had happy times because she had us. I wish she would have shared some of her feelings also, but she burryed them deep and took them with her.  My life goal is like yours, to show more love and to make others feel important.  Love you all, Lilly

Sunday, August 26, 2012

My easy morning run

So, I rolled over this morning and it was 7:30. I thought, I didn't get to run yesterday because I had to get Reagan to her race by 7:45, maybe I should run today...
So, I enthusiastically jumped out of bed and got some running clothes on. By the time I let the dogs out to pee and let them back in it has been like 15 minutes and I think, "Why did I even get out of bed?" But eventually I make it out to the road and am ready to run. I press start on my "MapMyRun app" and I'm ready to go. I think to myself, should I go 3 or 4 miles? Usually on weekends I do a long run. Last weekend I ran 9.5 miles with my running buddy and it was really good. But today, I'm just proud of myself for getting out of bed.

I decided that it was Sunday, and I should be proud of myself for getting up and running, so I opted for a fast 3 miles. I pushed myself and ran a nice pace. I finished with a time of 30:01 minutes, so I'm proud and happy to have a good time. I walked in the house and started finishing my sourdough waffles (which by the way if you haven't tried, you are CRAZY). Troy walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee and started chatting with me. I called upstairs to Reagan and told her to wake up and come have breakfast. (The other kids were both at a sleepover.) So Reagan came into the kitchen and hugged me and said, "Hey did you know your shirt is on inside out? I said, "No, I hadn't noticed." Then she looked at me closer and said, "Hey, Aren't your pants on inside out too?" I looked down and quickly realized that this morning must have been an inside out morning....Too funny ran with all my clothes inside out today.....

So to go back to my run, I rounded the corner of Grimes Mill and Old Richmond Road I heard "Woohoo" and I ignored it because I get alot of that (LOL) (only when I'm with Reagan and Bailey) then when I got to church my Neighbor Susan, told me that she hooted and hollered at me this morning because she saw me on my run. I smiled and told her that I always ignore hoots and hollers from hot guys when I run. LOL
Anyway, we will know what the results are tomorrow, but what we know now, is that Reagan improved her time from last year to this year by about 5 minutes and I was so impressed by her fortitude. Especially now that I run and know first hand how hard it is to push yourself for speed.

Anyway, I just want to tell you how blessed I feel to have you all as my sisters. And I know that you have had a huge part in building me into the person that I am today. Thank you for all the advice and helpful resources along the way.
Love Donna

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Cookie Thief

Dear Sisters,
     Ruth sent me the tapes by Wayne Dyer, with the story about the needle nose pliers. Kay was the first one to tell me the story, because Ruth had given her the tapes to listen to.  So I have looked and looked and bought three sets of CDs, trying to find the same story. Finally, I begged Ruth to copy me a copy of the tapes..And she did. The story goes that Dr. Dyer had been doing this special Meditation for 15 days. It's a meditation for manifesting, with the sound of Aww and Ooo.  His daughter asked him to come up to her room and help change a light bulb and in the process of getting the light out, he broke it off and left the metal part still in the light fixture. He told her to go into the garage and bring him back a pair of needle nose pliers and he would reach up in there and get it out. She went down and couldn't find any pliers. He went down and couldn't find any pliers. He knew he had some somewhere, but where. He decided to go for a run and worry about the light later. But on his run he couldn't stop thinking about the needle nose pliers. As he was coming back up his driveway..there on the cement were a brand new pair of needle nose pliers. He couldn't believe it. Of course he fixed the light and later that evening he was telling some friends and they wanted to know exactly how to do the meditation because they were going to Las Vegas and wanted to win at the Slot machines. So he taught them and they came home with lots of winnings and were very happy.   TO MAKE A LONG STORY short.....also on this tape there is a poem I wanted to share with you because it is so funny and cute and here's called...
                                     The Cookie Thief
     A woman was waiting at the airport one night,
     With several long hours before her flight.
     She hunted for a book in the airport shop,
     Bought a bag of cookies and found a place to drop.

     She was engrossed in her book but happened to see,
     That a man beside her, as bold as could be,
     Grabbed a cookie or two from the bag between,
     Which she tried to ignore to avoid a scene.

     She read, munched cookies and watched the clock,
     As the gutsy "Cookie Thief" diminished her stock.
     She was getting more irritated as the minutes ticked by,
     Thinking, "If I wasn't so nice, I'd blacken his eye!"

     With each cookie she took, he took one too.
     When only one was left, she wondered what he'd do.
     With a smile on his face, and a nervous laugh,
     He took the last cookie and broke it in half.

     He offered her half and he ate the other.
     She snatched it from him and thought, "Oh Brother!
     This guy has some nerve and he's also so rude,
     Why he didn't even show any gratitude."

     She had never known when she had been so galled.
     And sighed with relief when her flight was called.
     She gathered her belongings and headed for the gate.
     Refusing to look at the "Thieving Ingrate."

     She boarded the plane and sank to her seat,
     Then sought her book, which was almost complete.
     As she reached in her baggage, she gasped with surprise,
     There was her bag of cookies in front of her eyes!
     "If mine are here," she moaned in despair,
     "Then the others were his and he tried to share!"
     To late to apologize, she realized with grief,
     That she was the rude one, The Ingrate, The Thief!!!
Isn't that the greatest poem..I love poems. Have the greatest day ever!! loveuall, Jelene   p.s. you can get the CD, Meditations for Manifesting on Amazon for $4.40..So fun!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Weed Tea

Ok, so thanks to my awesome sister Ruth, I have a bag of what could be (to the untrained eye) a bag of weed in my freezer. I haven't been using it lately because I wasn't too worried about my grey hairs, but the other day I got a glimpse of me and my increasing grey hairs. So, I made what my kids call Weed Tea. It is actually an herb called Yarrow tea and I add a bit of vinegar to help it from going bad over a few weeks.

My sister Ruth and Kay, use it regularly and they have very little grey. So, if you want to preserve your natural color of hair, made some weed tea (yarrow tea) and spray it on your hair every few nights. As with all natural remedies, you have to do it consistantly to see results.

Side effects: You only get sex if your husband is supper horny that

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

 The Fruits of your labor

It appears that I'm giving all the credit for the eggs to my Cock, I'm not.  He is so proud of his hens and he trys to keep them all around him. If one of them gets separated from him, he goes crazy and wont settle down until she is back by his side.  I bet that's how our polygamist sisters husbands feel.  The poor guys.
We are getting up to 12 eggs a day and we are charging $3 a dozen, just to help with chicken feed. Its like Easter every time we go out to feed them. Its fun.  Lilly

I have a chicken lover...

Reagan and I went Chicken Shopping last Saturday. My neighbor told me that her brother that lives in Paris heard that there was going to be a Chicken Swap at the Paris Stockyards. So, Reagan and I being the adventurers that we are, took off and headed that way.

Now, I'm just guess'n, but I'm thinking that maybe none of you have been to a Chicken Swap lately and let me tell you, it is an amazinig experience. There were at least 25-30 trucks lined up with their tailgates open to display their merchandise. There were more bad teeth at that Chicken Swap then any small town west of the Mississippi River.

Reagan had to talk me out of the miniture horse several times and I had to talk her out of the two little pigs that one guy had.

Even though there were lots of chickens, there weren't many the size that we wanted. The guy that we got our first 5 from said that if we added any to try to get the same size so that they wouldn't pick on each other too much. We also wanted some that lay nice brown eggs, so we were about to give up when we came upon this kindly man with not too many teeth, and he was packing it up for the day, but he had 5 chicks that were alittle smaller then we wanted, but he made us a deal of 5 for $10.00 and it came with the box to go home it, so we decided it was destiny. He also told us this story about some varment eating his little ones every night, so we figured we had to rescue the poor creatures.

They are quite a bit smaller then the others that we have, but Reagan spent almost the whole day out there teaching them to be nice to each other, so she feels like they will be good.
She is so sweet. She visits them several times a day and when she goes out to shut them in for the night, she takes the time to hold each one and talk to them. She is pretty funny. I'm just looking forward to the eggs.

So, we now have 10 chickens...Laylaa, Baby, Blare, Ginger, Betty, Dot, Reddy, Maggy, Margaret, and Splash. Lilly, do any of yours have names other then the Cock?

Love you all,

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Way to Go Mama

Dear Sisters,
     Way to go Donna! You stood your ground and proved to every shaky kneed parent out there, that parents know what is best for their kids..Kids need their mothers to tell them, "You are not going to quit marching band, because I won't let you quit marching band!" So there, Twurp!! And then he goes right out there and get another trophy and proves to himself and the rest of world, that you are the smartest mother alive!!   Little Booger!!
     I was listening to the Catholic church radio station--Immaculate Heart Radio-- on my way to Salt Lake last week and Dr. Ray Guarendi was talking about the kids today and the trouble parents are having with them. He had a couple of parents call in and they were telling the Dr. about how mean and rude their children were and they were at their wits end.  The Dr. told the parents that they have forgotten that they are the ones with ALL the control but had given all the control to their kids. He told them that they are the ones who buy their kids food, clothes, phones, computers, tvs, electricity, water, heated housing, cool housing, and beds to sleep in. Just about the only thing you don't give them is the air they breathe!   Stop giving them all these thing unless they are kind and respectful to you. Whenever they whine and complain, just tell them that this is a two way street. I respect you and you respect me. And if things don't change and your kids are still giving you a hard time, tell them that you just realized that you are kind of like a God. That you have the power to take everything away from them, and you do mean EVERYTHING!! Except Air of course!!
     This is way fun. I get to tell you all how to raise your kids now that mine are all gone! You are all awesome mothers. NOW, go fight those battles!!
     Loves and kisses, Jelene

Friday, August 10, 2012

March off winner two years in a row!

So, we went to the picnic to celebrate the end of marching band camp tonight,  and Reagan and I were on pins and needles on the sidelines with our fingers crossed. It was time for the march off and they announced that Brandon was defending his title. The group started strong, but within 4 drills they were down to half of the students. One of the tricky ones caused bad marchers to knock into good marchers and so they were all out, that left three standing, Brandon and two others.  They ran them thru 5 drills and they all made it thru. The suspense was killing
So they tried one more and it was sort of confusing because they all did different things and in the end the directors said that Brandon got it closest to right, so he won. His classmates ran out to greet him and carried him back to the sidelines. Very fun to watch.

They marched thru the first movement and stood in place and played the rest for us. They sound really good this year. I think they are going to have a great season. I'll send you video updates as we get them.

I just love my band geek. He is so happy that I made him do marching band and is looking forward to the year. He told me the other day that there were lots of cute girls in band and he was having a hard time deciding which one to ask out. I told him to be nice to all of them and have fun and not get serious. Hope he takes my advice.
Love you all,

Leaving Alaska

Dear Sisters,
This is my last week here in Alaska.  It is wonderful to be going home to my family. I have really missed my girls and my funny husband.  I have missed going up to St. George to visit Crystal and Rosalie. Crystal has kept me posted on Daxus and he is growing so nicely.  What a cute boy he is.
At the same time I have had such a good time up here.  Savannah and I have sat around visited this last week, while she has learned how to crochet and knit. She is a left handed so we looked it up on how to teach her.  The wonderful internet said that it is a reflection of how a right handed person works.  So we sat opposite of each other and it works fairly well.  She is on her way creating little things for her family that she wants to have. She has already made herself a hat like the ones that Jelene taught me how to make.  It is green with white yarn weaved through it, just cute.  I am very proud of how good her and Enoch have done up here. They have grown into a strong couple that has survived a winter up here in Alaska. Through it all they still love each other and and have fun. They all enjoy homemade food that Savannah cooks and bakes.  She loves your bread recipe Lilly and it turns out good every time.  What a gal!

I am really going to miss our wonderful sister Beth.  She has been so happy to have this job and is so excited to do a few things that she wants to do.  I am sad to leave her up here in Alaska, but the job pays wonderful and it is not physically hard for her to do.  We have both talked and cried much about what else she could do to help her make the money, but it comes down to, she really needs to stay for at least a year and them life will look better.  She is in good hands living here with Enoch and Savannah.  Emily and Jason are also here and she is pregnant and very happy.  Savannah will be in school two days a week studying hard to prepare for entry into the nursing program here. Enoch and Jason are working  five days a week and home on the weekends. They work at Ft. Greeley ( down by Delta Junction), which is about 2 hours away so they stay down there on the week days.  It is a busy time for all of them because this job lasts until Nov.   Beth will be good in a full house with the young people.  We have noticed that the sexual energy is up high around young couples.  It is fun to watch and remember how we used to act.

Alaska had lots of freedom loving people up here.  They have lots of Norwegian that moved up here during the gold rush.  So they also have a cultural day for them in the winter.  It is also a military town and open 7 days a week even the banks.  Lots of activity around with three big military bases.   There is less control over what people can have in their yard and how messy it can be.  Just leave up a few trees so its not as noticeable as people drive down the road.  Its very funny to drive down the road and see the junk that people have collected over the years and then it just as wonderful to drive and see the beautiful places that they have created also.  Its nice to see the freedom.

Love you all


Wow, a new baby. How sweet is that? I am looking forward to those days when they get here, but trying not to rush them, because I'm having fun with the phase I'm in right now. I don't want them to grow up and leave me yet.

I wish God wouldn't have made puppies so dang cute though, because my 4 puppies that turned into dogs are driving me I guess it's sort of like our cute little kindergartener turning into a's cruel and unusual punishment.

I just walked into my bathroom, and Bailey was in there primping for a birthday party that she's going to. She didn't have any make up on, but she just looked so pretty. I gave her a hug and told her how pretty she looked. She got all cocky and said, "Thanks Mom". What a girl. Then in the next breath, I said, "I WILL leave you home, if those dishes aren't done in the next few minutes Beautiful..." And now she is happily doing the dishes.

Can someone tell me why there are dirty dishes in my sink almost everyday when I get home from work after I told me sweet daughter that she must do them everyday before I get home? What a sweetie she is going to be for some man some day. I can hardly wait...

Love ya

P.S. I thought Lilly's boobs were beautiful too.

Congratulations on your new grand baby.  They are gifts from God. They come so sweet and cute that you cant help but fall head over heals in love with them.  No wonder our Mother kept having babies. Babies are like dogs, they love you back unconditionally.  And so cute. God knew what he was doing sending them so cute and soft. Give Kennedy love from her Auntie Lilly.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sweet Baby Kennedy

Dear Sisters,
     Wow Lil!! Those are the prettiest boobs I have ever seen! Congatulations on 26 Years. You two make such a beautiful couple. Yes, you have gotten spunkier just in the last year. You are figuring this marriage thing out. What's it like to be Smart and Beautiful and have Pretty Boobs all at the same time?
     Little Kennedy was born Wednesday, August 8th, at 3:33 p.m. She weighed in at 7lbs 2ozs. and is 19 inches long..Tiny little miracle. She has lots of dark hair and is the cutest baby in Utah. Oh, I better say in Northern Utah.  Janae had a great labor and delivery. She is doing great. Kennedy aspirated some ambiotic fluid and started having trouble breathing. So they took her to the NICU and started her on oxygen. Then they tested her blood and her white cell count was too high, so they had to put her on antibiotics.  So she won't get to come home as soon as we wanted, but she is nursing good and looks great. --Janae just called and said they took her off the oxygen and she nursed for 30 minutes--Yay!! We are so grateful for Gods blessings. Hope you are all doing great..Love you all, Jelene

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Wow, 26 years and still together.  Where did the time go. I'm definitely not the same sweet girl I was when he married me.  Oh no, I'm a mean BITCH with big boobs.  Not really, I just have more of an opinion about everything and I'm not so ready to say I'm sorry.  Its like we have changed rolls. I use to be the insecure one and was all worried that he would leave me, now he's the worried one. Funny how life changes us.  Love Lilly

Monday, August 6, 2012

New Baby Coming

Dear Sisters,                                        
     Tomorrow I am going up to Pleasant Grove, Utah, to be with my daughter, Janae and her Hubby, Michael.  They welcoming their new baby girl into this great big world on Wednesday morning.  I can't wait to see her.  She is a very brave little girl, because she is coming to be Boston's little sister.  He is 2 years old and such an adorable "Wild Cowboy" kind of brother.
     Janae got hit with that notorious, "I'm 9 months pregnant, so I think I will just  have a summer cold, and cough so hard I pee my pants every few minutes, and hold onto my belly so I can keep every thing from coming out" cough.
     Michael was home for the weekend and every time Janae coughed, he would ask, "Are you going to be okay, honey?"  When he went to work on Monday, Janae had a coughing fit and Boston asked, "Are you going to be okay, Honey?"
     Michael's sister is getting married in 2 weeks and Janae is all upset.  She can't figure out why they didn't consult her about when to get married. What were they thinking! "I'm going to have 2 big old yellow milk stains running down my blouse for the pictures and I'm still going to look pregnant. How Rude!"
     I was in California with my daughter Lillie not too long ago. We were driving down the street where there were lots of shops and all of a sudden I saw a sign on a store that read, "It's All About Me." I laughed and pointed to it and said, "I didn't know Janae and Kaylee had opened a store down here!"
     Yes, I have two of them. Sweet girls, the both of them. Love them Dearly. Just hope there is one more Michael out there somewhere, who will put up with the one who isn't married yet!                                              Talk soon, Jelene

Hot Springs Tonite

  Alaska has a reputation of attracting the lawless criminal, the reckless dare-devil, the fortune hunter and the wife seeking refuge from an uncomfortable marriage. "I've got to go make some money, I'll be back someday".
   I am a repeat offender, 3 strikes and your out..

   I have been on the job site for a week and a half now. It's pretty easy. It can be hectic at times but with practice I can stay calm under stress. It is a perfect job for me to learn how to handle cocky assholes. They are abundant up here. driving around in their big trucks with mufflers that sound like a 757 taking off. Next time one of them gives me trouble I may try the little wiener joke. "Great truck, sorry about your wiener". Like I was saying to Donna and Jelene last night. "I am the boss at the gate but haven't figured it out yet".

   Today is extra sweet because I am being paid overtime. I only work 8 hrs. Helen, myself, Savannah, Enoch and 2 other couples are going up to Chena Hot Springs tonight. We are going to hang out in the hot pool, drink some wine and sleep on the couch while the young people have sex in the bed next to us. It will be fun..LOL.. Oh that reminds me of when I was a young lady of about 11 or 12. We were driving in the truck and we saw a just married car with the sign ,"Hot Springs Tonight" written on the rear window. I thought to myself, "Oh that is nice, they are going to spend their honeymoon at the hot springs in Caliente". So funny, we didn't get things like that very well.. Lot's of Love everyone  Beth

The biggest Tantrum I ever Threw

One morning, when I was about 9, I realized that my sisters were packing up the car for a trip. I quickly asked where they were going and if I could possibly go with them. Of course, the answer was a firm no (No way in hell, little sister). They were going to run a race in St. George. (I think it was the half Marathon that Ruth ran, but I'm not sure) To be included in their grown up fun would have been such a treat...heck even to have been dropped of at Jelene's house to play with my nieces would have been good enough. But to stay home with Janice and Mother was like being rejected in the biggest way. Torture at it's worst.

So, as my happy sisters drove away, so started my tirade. I think that after a few minutes of listening to my sobs of rejection, my wise Mother sent me to the garden. There, I remember alot of stomping, and crying and thinking mean things about each of those mean sisters of mine. After a while, I decided that it was useless. My Mother was paying no attention to me, and my sisters were definitely not thinking about me in any way shape or form, so I dried my eyes and went on about my day.

Just a funny memory of me being spoiled and thinking I was super picked on. I asked Mother a few years ago if she remembered that tantrum and she said no, so I guess I didn't do a good enough

Lessons Learned

As I sit, looking out the window of my Kentucky home, the grass is green and it is currently raining a nice drizzling rain. I am trying to think of stories and one comes to mind that taught me a valuable lesson in life.

I was between the age of 5-7 when my father brought home a family to live with us. Actually, it was just the kids, the father was on his way to jail, and the mother was having a breakdown of some sort.  So, he thought he would save the day and let them live with us. I'm guessing, but I think there were four girls ranging from the ages of 5-12. At first, we were excited to have company, but it didn't take long for that to wear off. We soon discovered that they were sly and devious. When no one would confess to the crime, my Father would line us up and give us all an equal spanking, so it didn't take us too long to figure them out.

Michelle was my age, and was possibly the worst. One day, she took my treasured white patton leather purse, and wrote all over it in blue ink pen. She denied doing it and tried to blame me, but my Mother knew that I loved that purse and would not have destroyed it like that, so Michelle got in trouble. Later that day, she cornered me and told me that when her dad got out of jail, he was going to find me and kill me. I had never been so scared in my life. Of course, my family assured that nothing bad would happen to me, but I had nightmares in my little girl mind and was sure that something bad would happen.

My sweet sister Helen taught me a song (I only wish that I could remember which song that it was, but it was something about being happy) and told me to sing it everytime that I got scared. I remember singing that song faithfully for months on end, trying to erase the fear from my mind.

That was lesson number one on how important our thoughts are to our reality. It taught me that I could sit around and worry myself sick, or I could think happy thoughts and move on with my life. I think this was the first in many lessons that I learned about mind control. My sweet Mother was always telling us that we were in control of our minds, and it would confuse me because I felt that I had so little control over my mind. But as I grew, I realized that even though it was hard, it was possible with work and effort.  Thank you Mother.


Friday, August 3, 2012

Regrets of the Dying

Dear Sisters,
     Yesterday I watched a video online and the young lady who was giving the presentation told her story about a brain injury she had received in an accident. She said she wanted to die because she was in constant pain and couldn't think clearly. She contemplated suicide everyday.
     In the video, she talked about a Hospice worker who had asked her patients what they regretted most in their lives. Here's the list:
     1.  I wish I hadn't worked so hard.

     2.  I wish I would have stayed in touch with my friends.
     3.  I wish I would have let myself be happier.

     4.  I wish I would have had the courage to express my true self.

     5.  I wish I would have lived a life true to myself, instead of what others expected of me.
      I like #3. Sounds so simple. But we let everyone around us have more of a say in how we act than we do ourselves.
      I have Mary and Misty and kids here this weekend. Maddie and Allie and I are having our Sewing Weekend with Grandma. Allie wants to make a quilt and Maddie wants to make some shorts and a top. Wow, we better get busy. That's on top of going to Pizza Factory,  Cafe Rio and Truberry! Loves and Kisses Jelene

Book Club

Helen and Beth have been reading "The Dragon Doesn't Live Here Anymore" in Alaska. They were telling me about it. I think it will be fun to read it together.  Go Helen!! Go Beth!! Get us started...  Oh I guess you will have to wait till we get our books! Go on Amazon and get your books for $4.00..  This will be great fun..Love you Jelene

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hi Strangers

I'm sorry that I have slacked off. I have been thinking of lots of stories and not writing any of them.
I really liked your books club selection Jelene. Melonie in my office is our follower and she ordered it after reading your blog.

I'm having a boring week for stories, but have a cute story from Bailey and Troy.

Troy was telling Bailey not to be so critical about something and he said, "I'm surprised you aren't standing by the side of the bed telling me and Mom that we are having sex wrong." Bailey....was speachless...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Come on..Girls

Hey,  if I am the only one who is going to write on this blog, we might as well shut it down..Because this is just getting to be obnoxious!! Love you anyway, Jelene