Sunday, September 9, 2012

Crazy days with Father

Hello Sisters,
I have a memory that we need to talk about.  I cry every time I think about what our Father did to us little girls.  I think it was a evil entity that Father had when he was mad a Mother.  It is a time that our father went insane .  Lilly, I believe was only two or three when this happened, so that means that Beth was four, Ruth was 6, Fara was 7 and I was 8. I don't remember much about the time of year but we could go outside without a coat on, so it may have been summer.  Anyway it was evening and Father was not happy.  He decided that we were not obeying him quick enough.  He lined us up and gave us orders.  He had us  march in a line and then he went really crazy.  He said, "children, I am going to have you stand on the table and you will fall off the table into my arms backwards, Ok." I remember just nodding my head and thinking to myself that, "I think He loves mother and I know that mother loves us so I hope that he will catch us."  I was first to go and so I hopped up on the table and he said, "turn around and do not look at me, I will catch you." I took a big breath and just fell.  Next in line was Fara, she did the same as I and just fell.  But the next one in line was little Ruth.  She started crying and got up to fall and turned to look.  She could not do it.  Father spanked her hard and then he got a blind fold and covered her eyes.  Ruth fell this time and Beth then Lilly.  We were all crying very quietly by then.  He made us do this over and over. He told us that we were learning to trust him totally.   Finally we were allowed to go to bed.  But the torture was not over. The next morning we were all outside working and father got this idea that he needed to work us some more.  He got a ladder and made us little girls get up on top of the roof of our house.  He removed the ladder as he yelled up to us, "Ok you will stay up there until you jump down to me." We started crying and I told him that we were scared.  He told us," You all need to trust me with your life because I am your Father."  I thought to myself, "Well, I am not dead yet, so I will jump.  Fara went next, but sister Ruth was not going to go so Beth went and it was Ruth and Lilly up on the roof. All I can remember is that it took them quite a while to finally jump.  He would walk away for a while and then come back and ask them if they were ready.  It was so sad for us little girls to know that all he had to do was not catch us and we would die.  But we all survived that day.  I think it was then that Father started driving truck.  He never did that to us again.
I am sure that you all have had recall about this time.  I had a time when I remember saying that same thing to myself.  It was after my ex husband was mean to me I said, "Well, I am not dead yet, I guess I can stay."
Please add on to this if you want
Love you sisters, I still cry thinking of this time.  I don't know where Mother was at that time. But I think that she had already learned that if she stayed out of the way and not fight with him, things didn't get as bad.  We sure had a courageous  and brave mother.

Wow no wonder I'm messed up. I had to be older than 3.  I don't remember falling off the table into his arms, but I do remember the roof.  I thought that the roof we had to jump off of was the shed roof.  It was sooooo high. We could see our whole yard. The roof of our house, all the animals, and our neighbors houses We were so high that Father seemed so small and so far away.  Ruth and I left up there for what seemed like hours.  Who went first? What did we say to each other? How did we talk ourselves into jumping?  I remember calling for Mother,  Mother, Mother, come help us, Father wont let us down.  Where was she? Why wasn't she there when we needed her the most. Someone had to protect us from that MEAN man on the ground that didn't love us.  He couldn't have loved us or he wouldn't have been so mean.  I never loved him. I remember having to kiss him and hug him but I didn't do it out of love. I did it because it was expected of me. I started pretending when I was 3.  I didn't see our Mother as courageous.  I felt betrayed by her.  For many years after I got married I always wondered why she didn't leave that terrible awful man.  If she would have left, then I would have thought she was courageous.  Helen and Beth, it took courage for you to leave your husbands. I thought you two were Very Courageous. Looking back on it now some 45 years later,  because of all that she went through, she learned it did no good to fight with Wayne. He must have been alot insane like you said Helen.   That was just the start of all the insane things he put us through.  The moral of this story is you cant teach children to trust you by making them jump off tall building. Wow sisters if we can jump of tall building then we can do anything we put our minds to.              Lets go be AMAZING.    Lilly

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