I don’t remember the name
of the man that used to visit us at the ranch, but I know that he was married
and I remember being completely scared of him because whenever he visited, he
and Father would tease with me and say that someday maybe he would come and
marry me and take me to live with him. I was old enough to know that when you
got married, you were supposed to like the man that you married, and smart
enough to know that this man was at least 20 to 30 years older than me and that
would mean that I was married to an old man.
I used to get sick to my stomach when he would come to see us because I
was not sure how old I had to be in order for Father to tell him it was ok for
him to take me with him. All I knew for
sure was that the Ward boys were a lot cuter and I was holding out for one of
them…Too funny. And they were busy
entertaining Lilly, so I had no chance.
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