Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Shopping Days in Fairbanks

Yesterday, we woke ever so slowly, Enoch and Savannah beat us down stairs to do their insanity exercise routine.  Helen and I sauntered out to the back porch with a cup of joe to sit in the always shining sun just because we could.  We could actually do this at anytime of the day unless you have a boss.  The sun isn't giving you any clues to what time it is, always there never sets. The suns intensity is very different up here.  It was Sat. we do know that much.  We made a plan to go to the farmers market, you all know how Helen loves a market where we would buy tomatoes, lettuce, and some other thing, such as goat soap, goat cheese and ect. ect.  Then we planned to meet up with Enoch and Savannah,  at the fair where she might buy something else she didn't need.  Finally we met at Joann's  Fabric where Helen and Savannah would definitely buy something that they didn't need.  The young people wanted to go to Boston"s Pizza to watch a cage fight later on that evening.

What really happened was, Helen and I leisurely went to the garage where we did our toned down version of Insanity.  The first rule:never let your feet leave the floor.  Second rule: heart beat must remain around mediocre sex, and if you feel like your breaking a sweat stop immediately and walk it out.

Next we went to the farmers market, Helen with map in hand, makes it very dangerous because she can not tell which direction we are going.  Once I caught her telling me where to go holding the map upside down. If I'd have kept going in that direction could have ended up in H E double hockey sticks somewhere. We have learned our way around town even with the map upside down. At the market there was a group of young cello players so we stopped and listen.  Helen found some red leafed lettuce, spinach and tomatoes.  We came upon a woman who sold handwoven Alpaca wool, had to have some of that because it was different than regular yarn.  You can make really nice baby caps out of it.  After scoping out the rest of the booths and exchanging chitchat with the locals, we got a text from Savannah saying there was no Fair that day so we decided to go take some pictures.  Helen had just purchased a nice digital camera so we headed up the hill to get a picture of the valley.  Next, we headed down to the botanical gardens which was located right next to the University of Alaska.  We took a lot of pictures of flowers, gardens and such.  This was an experimental garden, in which they attempt to find out what can be grown in this extreme environment.  We read a poster that explained the soil conditions during summer months. The soil temperature reaches a high of 50 degrees which is not conducive to a wide variety of long season plants.  So they raise their beds to warm the soil to encourage a faster growth cycle. No hard shell squash, but they grow cabbage like crazy and there are no fruit trees up here.

 We needed some drinking water so stopped at a dispensary to fill our jugs, Helen spotted a ice cream shop she always has her eyes peeled.  We noted that we had saved so much money on the water, that we should go over and get us a treat, a banana split was just the ticket!!!

Right next door to the ice cream , was a store named Blueberry Babies.  In the store was a woman who had never worn makeup and wore lama sandals, Helen was in her element.

Savannah called, she was ready to meet at Joann's  fabric, for a quick stroll through aisles and aisles of yarn the fabrics, do you see where we are going with this.  Savannah comes in to browse for curtian material.  30 minutes later Enoch comes in. "Come on ,we're going to be late!" Savannah says, "OK, I will be done in 10 minutes".  Twenty minutes later Enoch come in, "Come on Honey, we are going to be late".  She finally lets go of the fabric and joins him.  Now its just Helen and I in aisles and aisles of fabric and yarn and books about how to knit or crochet this or that shawl, afghan or hat.  While we were in the store, we had to call Donna to find out what color she likes for her prayer shawl.  She is right in the middle of making me a shawl which is lovely, and she has the yarn for Cassies wrap around neck scarf, which she can't wait to start.  Lets not forget the Alpaca yarn for the babies hats, and I do believe there is yarn in the trunk of my car just in case. We did not get the curtain material but we did get the yarn. Helen made a quick decision at the check out counter and pulled out cash to pay for the yarn. She looked at me and said,"What Ken doesn't know can't hurt him." I think she may be on the brink, of intervention, but I don't know if there is a Yarns Anonymous yet.. Laughing

  Helen loves to make dinner, bake sourdough bread and pie, eat ice cream and buy yarn. She is having the time of her life and I am the lucky one to be able to share this time with her. 

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