About Jelene

Hi! My name is Jelene. I'm 60 years old and I have been married to Linton Kirkland, the hardest worker I have ever met, for 40 years. He drives truck for a living and until this year, ran a landscaping business too. I spent 35 of those years raising 7 kids. My friend called me a 'kept' woman. Yes, I 'kept' making 3 meals a day for 35 years. The kids are all gone, living their own lives now, but I miss them. We have 14 cute grand kids and our favorite thing is when they all come home and fill up our big empty basement for a week at Christmas time. Lots of late nights around the big family table playing games and decorating Gingerbread houses. I love to sew and have worked for a Design Company here in St George, making their pillows and Duvet covers for the last 6 years. It's been a fun, creative job and I can make good money. I use every penny of it to travel to see my sisters and my kids. I'm always marking my calendar with new dates and times when I will be off again on a new adventure. The older I get the more I am like my father. Give me a car, and a tank full of gas and I'm Off, somewhere, anywhere, it doesn't matter where. Any excuse and I'm off to Vegas to see Helen and Lilly. So many things to do, so many places to go. I'm in a hurry to get it all done. Hey, that's the name of a song, isn't it? Anyway, there's my life in one paragraph. And I thought I could make a book out of it!

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