Dear Sweet Sisters,
Thanks Jelene for writing about our mother and father and what they were going through leaving the church. Mother had lost 2 little baby boys due to miscarriage, one was born 6 months premature in Feb. and the other in Nov. of the same year. I was born in Nov. of the next year and I am just amazed at our mothers resilience for life and her belief system. I remember Cheryl saying that I was a blessing because I brought happiness to the family. That is what Donna and I have in common, we were both born after a time of lose and that is why we are both spoiled. Donna, you didn't know that you spoiled. Haha! Beth and I were shaking our heads thinking our mother was crazy or something to just keep having children. But that is what she did. She was able to have us and love everyone of her babies. She would take her newborn and sit by the stove or in the sunshine and rub them with olive oil. I remember watching her, as she loveingly touched and rubbed her new babies skin. The little one would stretch and purr through it all. It was such a wonderful feeling knowing that she loved each and everyone of her babies like that. She loved doing that little act of love for her babies. I remember her doing that with both Lilly and Donna.
Thanks sisters for the memories and the flashbacks. It is disturbing reading and thinking about our dear mother and all she went through but it is also healing to write and share about our thoughts. Happy Days,
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