I want to ask you all to commit to taking care of your GORGEOUS SELF'S. You know if you don't, no one will. I can't come around every day and make sure you all eat good and put good things in your mouth. An occasional glass of wine is ok on my list. Especially when Donna gets her grapes made into wine. Then its our duty to support her and drink her wine. I'm hoping its not as strong as last time. Wouldn't it be fun to go help Donna harvest her grapes? Can we squish them with our feet? I promise to wash me feet. That is definitely on my bucket list. So, I would like to encourage you all to get on doTERRA Life Long Vitality supplements. They have the oils in them and help get rid of the inflammation in our bodies. Inflammation causes stiffness, pain and a lot of other things. They can help fight the battle with Candida.If you have anxiety, depression, emotional problems, irrational fears, panic, quick anger, irritability, sleep disturbance, hyperactivity, low self-esteem, asthma, coughs, sinus problems, sore throat, thrush, bad breath, constipation, bloating, diarrhea, gas, heartburn, indigestion, nausea, food craving, food sensitivities, hypoglycemia, colic, acne, eczema psoriasis, skin infections, rash, athlete's foot, nail fungus, dandruff, trouble concentrating, brain fog, memory loss,headaches or migraines, PMS, cramps sexual problems, vaginal infections, cystitis, puffiness, infertility, allergies, chronic fatigue, sore muscles, stiffness, swollen joints, gout and weight gain. Oh and the lady we heard talked about Candida said they are finding studies that it is linked to cancer too. That about covers every issue anyone has. So the essential oils that are anti fungal are Lemon, Melaleuca, Oregano, Clove, Cinnamon, and Thyme. We have the GX assist and PB assist and Zendocrin that will help clean the five organs, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, Colon, Lymph nodes, Blood and Skin. They work slow so you don't get an over load of toxins all at once. Then the hard part. The food we eat. Lets try to clean up our diets, get rid of processed food, cut down on sugar intake, bread consumption, cut out artificial sweetener, put in more vegetables. Then we have to exercise to stay strong. I'm soooooo proud of Donna for running half marathons. WOW, you go girl. It was extremely hard to wake up at 4am this morning, but that's the time I have to go to get my exercise in and then come home and have a few precious min to share with you and write our story. If we don't change something, nothing will change. That's my thoughts for the day. I love you all. Lilly
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