Wow no wonder I'm messed up. I had to be older than 3. I don't remember falling off the table into his arms, but I do remember the roof. I thought that the roof we had to jump off of was the shed roof. It was sooooo high. We could see our whole yard. The roof of our house, all the animals, and our neighbors houses We were so high that Father seemed so small and so far away. Ruth and I left up there for what seemed like hours. Who went first? What did we say to each other? How did we talk ourselves into jumping? I remember calling for Mother, Mother, Mother, come help us, Father wont let us down. Where was she? Why wasn't she there when we needed her the most. Someone had to protect us from that MEAN man on the ground that didn't love us. He couldn't have loved us or he wouldn't have been so mean. I never loved him. I remember having to kiss him and hug him but I didn't do it out of love. I did it because it was expected of me. I started pretending when I was 3. I didn't see our Mother as courageous. I felt betrayed by her. For many years after I got married I always wondered why she didn't leave that terrible awful man. If she would have left, then I would have thought she was courageous. Helen and Beth, it took courage for you to leave your husbands. I thought you two were Very Courageous. Looking back on it now some 45 years later, because of all that she went through, she learned it did no good to fight with Wayne. He must have been alot insane like you said Helen. That was just the start of all the insane things he put us through. The moral of this story is you can't teach children to trust you by making them jump off tall buildings. Wow sisters if we can jump off tall buildings then we can do anything we put our minds to.
Lets go be AMAZING. Lilly
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