Wow, a new baby. How sweet is that? I am looking forward to those days when they get here, but trying not to rush them, because I'm having fun with the phase I'm in right now. I don't want them to grow up and leave me yet.
I wish God wouldn't have made puppies so dang cute though, because my 4 puppies that turned into dogs are driving me I guess it's sort of like our cute little kindergartener turning into a's cruel and unusual punishment.
I just walked into my bathroom, and Bailey was in there primping for a birthday party that she's going to. She didn't have any make up on, but she just looked so pretty. I gave her a hug and told her how pretty she looked. She got all cocky and said, "Thanks Mom". What a girl. Then in the next breath, I said, "I WILL leave you home, if those dishes aren't done in the next few minutes Beautiful..." And now she is happily doing the dishes.
Can someone tell me why there are dirty dishes in my sink almost everyday when I get home from work after I told me sweet daughter that she must do them everyday before I get home? What a sweetie she is going to be for some man some day. I can hardly wait...
Love ya
P.S. I thought Lilly's boobs were beautiful too.
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