Saturday, December 29, 2012

Hurray! Christmas Is Over!

Dear Sisters,
My kids were all here for Christmas and I love my kids. I really do. But they were only here 24 hours, and I wanted to start yelling.."Somebody better start eating tomatoes!"
Last summer, Lacie brought out the cutest picture to sell at the auction. It had a picture of Father and Mother on it and a story about each of them, in the frame by the picture. Mothers story went something like this... We were all at the ranch for a family reunion and lunch was in progress. All the grandkids had piled their plates high with chips and sandwiches and had a coke in their other hand. Mother had bought some nice tomatoes to add to the lunch fare and when everyone had filled their plates she walked by the tomatoes  and no one had taken any. She came storming into the house and yelled, "Somebody better start eating tomatoes!" So now when ever anyone at Keith's and Lacie's ever gets frustrated, they yell, "Somebody better start eating tomatoes."
We had a great Christmas. My book was a real hit. We all sat around the living and each of the kids read the story of their birthday. Then we listened to the CD with all their darling little voices singing. So precious. We all shed some good tears.
We had a ham and all the fixin's, for Christmas dinner.  My turkey, lurkey never got done till the dinner was over, but made great leftovers. Jared and Mary and Lillie and all their kids went up to Brian Head the day after Christmas to go snow boarding. They stayed in a nice new condo and really had a good time.
I am trying to think of a way to make my New Years Resolutions stick this year, but I am very discouraged. I am really set in my ways and don't think there is any way to change me. So I am just going to love this procrastinating, tired, pack rat 60 year old that is me. I want to stop wanting and start enjoying everything about me.  To be Still and Know that God is God and everything is right with the world. That will be my New Years Resolution. Love you all so much, Jelene

Reagan's book

This is an exerpt of Reagan's book that she is working on. I got teary reading it and just had to share. It is much longer then this, but I just picked a small section. Can't give away the whole book...

I live on a farm and used to only listen to country music. I thought K-Love was weird and the songs were all worship and boring.  My youth minister was like my best friend and she gave us dance classes that involved a K-Love song. We listened to K-Love to give it a try. I went on and there was a 30 day challenge they wanted everyone to try where you listen to K-Love for 30 days and see how it changes your life. I kept bugging my mom every morning on the way to school to listen to K-Love and so did my sister. We heard a couple songs we liked and today, I don’t listen to anything else. It might seem dumb to you, but I encourage you to give it a chance because it really does change your life when you are surrounded by words of God that are more catchy than what teenagers listen to these days.

I used to think that Jesus never performed miracles anymore. He’s not on Earth, how can he show a miracle? Well, I have 4 dogs. 2 of them are big puppies that like to run away with their mom. We were calling for them one day and 2 out of three of them came back. We searched all night. In the morning, my dad called the Humane Society and they had a boxer but no collar. My parents went to get what was hopefully our dog. They called us to tell us that our dog Bruiser got hit on the highway last night at 4:00 p.m. and they were about to give up hope and put him down when my dad called them. We took him to our vet and they performed the surgery. His leg was broken but today, he just limps around with a few scars. That night, I thought he was dead. I asked God for a miracle, looks like he heard.  My friend from the cross country team’s dad got in a car wreck and wasn’t hurt at all. Not only that, but later, I found out he hit a semi-truck. I got to see a picture of his car and everyone including the police is surprised he’s not dead. God is performing miracles all the time. I mean, who thought they would allow us to open a prayer group at our school?

What I don’t get is why atheists celebrate Christmas. Christmas is supposed to be the celebration of Jesus being born on earth to save us from our sins. Christ-mas is a mass, or gathering, of Christ, our savior. Today, people just do it for the presents and say, “it’s not about the presents; the true meaning of Christmas is giving,” but that’s not the true meaning either. We use it as an excuse to buy ourselves things and spend more money.  When I have kids, I want to throw Jesus a birthday party every year as a tradition. I’m not going to introduce my kids to Santa Claus either. I was listening to K-Love the other day and this mom came on air and said last Christmas her daughter was 2 years old and she brought her downstairs and said “hey, it’s Christmas, Santa came, let’s go see your presents.” Her little girl said back “but mommy, it’s Jesus’ birthday.” That was touching and inspiring for a lot of people I hope. This year for Christmas, I’m not focusing on the presents. I always say it’s not about the presents but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about them.

Do you ever think about God in different ways? Like, I love church, but I don’t like Greek gods and worship and praise. But then, I think about K-Love and I love the words praise and worship. I guess I just like to keep things simple. Love God with all your heart and do things to please him. But that’s also what sounds weird to me; “do everything to please your God.” I just think about it as making my best friend happy. I also don’t like saying “your God (suggesting there is many gods you can choose from).” Because to me, there is only one God. I think of God as a name, not an object or general category.

When I pray, I talk to God like he is my friend but I’m never sure if he wants me to be serious, or if he has a sense of humor. I like the last one. I don’t think God would be mad at me for laughing in a prayer. I mean, I’m praying to him the whole time I’m writing, and I’m not always talking directly to him.

Have you ever heard the saying “when you open the bible, the Devil gets a headache and when you pray, the devil faints.” I can just picture the Devil fainting every two seconds. He would never even have time to get up.

Have you ever heard the song on K-Love “You Can Change Who You Are”? It says “You can never fall too hard, so fast, so far that you can’t get back when you’re lost. Where you are is never too late, so bad, so much that you can’t change who you are.” I was at lunch in the cafeteria one day with my friends and two of them go to the same church and were talking about a guy there. They were arguing that he had changed, no, people can’t change, no, people can change, back and forth. The whole time, all I could think about was that song and I knew who was right because people can change. If you find God, everything about you would change.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Hi, I finally finished my ALL ABOUT ME story.  You know it really is ALL ABOUT ME.  I could have gone on and on and on.
Donna, I feel your pain with flirting teenagers. Let me know when you find a stowaway teenager (not yours) in your teenagers closet. Yes fun fun years ahead. Can't wait to hear all the good stories. Hugs and Kisses    Lilly

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Present

Dear Sisters,
    My Christmas present to my kids just got really expensive. I told you I did a book with all their birth day stories in it and baby pictures. Yesterday I spent another hour and a half with the lady who is transferring the tape of my kids singing songs onto the cd. I knew it was going to be expensive but when we got done and she started going over the hours they had spent working on my project the dollars signs started going by really fast, close to $500, fast. I almost started to hyperventilate. But I just had to tell myself that it was going to be okay. I know that everything will work out and I will be able to pay for it. I have a big sewing project this week that will help me pay for it.
     I am getting pretty good at loving everything that comes my way. God has been so good to me. I love my little home, where I am warm and comforted. I love my wonderful kids, who all have their struggles and most the time I never hear about them. I love the peace that I can feel, if I just choose to at any moment.
     Last weekend, Helen and Abby came up and we tied 3 quilts, went to the movie, 'Life of Pi', and went shoe shopping. On Sunday we drove out to see Pat and Jim Pederson. Then we all drove in my car to Kanab, where Vince lives with his son, Dustin and his wife and darling little girl. Vince has lymph cancer and weighs about 90 lbs. He was lying on the couch and every time he changed position, you could tell he was in pain. Pat read to us from her Sot Song book and we were reminded about how much God loves us. At 2:00 p.m., Dustin was driving Vince to Cedar to catch a flight to Salt Lake City and the Huntsman Cancer Institute there. I sure hope the trip was not to hard on him and that they can help him. Pat was understandably heart broken, having to watch her son go through this. God be with them and love them.
     Donna, I loved your last blog. You better hold on tight, girl, because you are in for a wild ride with that cute girl of yours! I love it.
   Everyone have a wonderful Christmas Season. What a wonderful time we live in.   Hugs and kisses. Jelene

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Bottled my first batch of Petite Syrah

Well, well, well.....
Today, I finally got the chance to put up my tree. I had planned on doing it yesterady, but I ran in the Reindeer Ramble with Reagan, then rushed home to help Troy bottle our very first batch or Petite Syrah. That went smoothly and we were done by 2:00. That is just about when I realized that I had a very intense head ache. I started a load of laundry and then said, "I have to lay down and stop doing anything." So, that is what I did. Nothing for the rest of the day. Argh....

So, today, I felt better, but after church I just knew that if I didn't attach the Christmas Tree that it would never get done, so Reagan and I put it up and decorated it and it looks great.

Meantime, Bailey asked if she could invite a friend over. I said sure, if you clear off the table, do the dishes and practice your piano. Much to my surprise, she did all three items without one word of complaint...   So, this friend shows up and it's A BOY... Oh my goodness.....

They want to go jump on the trampoline, so I say, "Sure.". But as I'm still decorating the tree, I am watching out the window and I'm in panic mode, He is tackling her and she is liking it... Oh, My What do I do.,... about then Troy comes down the stairs and says, "If you don't go out there and get that boy off my daughter, I'm going to. " So, I quickly go out and surprise them and tell them that they should come inside.  Well, I thought that maybe that would be it, but then Troy said that they were in her room and they needed to come out of there.

Well, since then, Brandon had caught wiff of the conversation and he said, " Let them go to the tree house Mom, I'll follow them and shoot him with my air soft if he tries anything." What a crazy life we lead...So, as Bailey is getting better shoes on, I tell the boy at the back door, "Don't be trying to kiss on my girl, You understand???" Yes, I actually did.  Bailey is mortified...But the boy is still here and maybe if he survives this day, he could be a nice boy. But he will have to back off on the

Challenges of life are many. Blessings of life are even more. I am so greatful for my challenges and my blessings.

Speaking of which...I can't take off in January to come see Beth. Sure wish I could, but as you all know January is my killer month and I litterally work every moment of the day that I can. This year will be unusually challenging becuase I have a few new demanding clients, but it will be ok.
I hope that you all have a blast even though I won't be there.

Love you all,

All About Me

Every other Friday morning, I get to go have breakfast with my Defining Women's Chapter group. They are beautiful women like my sisters, that want to share love and good energy with others and help make our world a better place. We get to take turns sharing our business and life story. This last Friday it was my turn to share.
I started out sharing about my business "doTERRA essential oils".
I had used essential oils from an other company on and off for the past 20 years. A friend of mine ask if she could share doTERRA essential oils with me. As soon as I smelled them I could tell the difference. DoTERRA oils are CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade. The plants that they harvest the oils from are grown in there natural habitat. For instance, Frankincense comes from Oman. Each liter of oil under goes  3rd party laboratory testing. DoTERRA oils are free of fillers, pesticides and contaminants. They are 50 to 70 times more powerful than herbs. There are three ways to use Essential Oils. Aromatically, Topically, and our CPTG oils can be used Internally. (Please don't go somewhere else and buy essential oils and think they are safe to use internally). Essential oils work to help bring the body into balance thus helping the body's natural defenses to restore homeostasis. For more information call Lilly Reid 702-596-2025 or go to my web site 
I am number 12 of 13 children born to Wayne and Ilene Pearson on April 9th. I had one of the ladies read my birth story that my sweet sister Jelene wrote. I told of how both of my parents came from strong Mormon families. My Father was excommunicated before I was born. Shortly after my birth we moved to Colorado City Arizona, a polygamist community. We were all very musical. Our parents taught us to sing and play instruments. We won first place in the Ted Mack Talent show. Music was a big part of our lives. When I was five my sister Fara died.  She was riding her bike home from school. It had rained earlier in the day. She hit a chuck hole in the road, fell off her bike and hit her head. I remember her lying on the coach that evening, holding her head and crying that her head hurt. Three days after her funeral Sweet Donna was born into our family. She was an angel from God. Some might say that Fara's sweet spirit came back to us in Donna's body. She brought happiness back to our family.
When I was six, our father moved us far far away from everyone to hide us. The end of the world was near, and he wanted us to be safe. The Pearson's Singing Valley Ranch, in the mountains of northern Nevada is where I lived for the next ten years. We had many adventures on the ranch. Us last 5 girls and Mother took care of the ranch. On the weekends the brothers would come home and check on us. Father would show up now and then and make us do some off the wall project or heard all the cattle up a stupid canyon.  It seemed like he made us do things just to make our lifes misserable. Life was peaceful when he was gone. As soon as I saw his car come up the road I would get diarrhea. I tryed to hide alot from him.  He was not my favorite person. One time us girls found beer caps in the cab of his truck. We argued back and forth who's they could be. Surely Father didn't drink. No, he wouldn't do something like that. Mother always defended him, not that we dared tell her about the beer caps. I don't remember having discussions about life with our mother.  If I wanted to know something, I would ask my sisters. My sisters were my best friends, actually they were my only friends.
Us girls sang a couple barbershop songs at  the High School Christmas program.  The choir teacher was so impressed with us, He told us with a few vocal lessons we could sing in Vegas at lounge shows or sing back up for famous people. We found us a vocal teacher in Las Vegas, and started driving down every other weekend for lessons. Pretty soon that got old so we talked Mother into moving to Las Vegas.  Father was totally against it. He didn't want us down in that wicked city. We found a house to rent and we all had to get jobs to help pay for everything. Donna and I were the only ones left in school. I was 16 and in the 11th grade and Donna was 11 and in the 6th grade. Talk about a culture shock. Live out in the boonies for 10 years away from people, then move smack dab in the middle of Vegas. I changed my name from Lillith to Lilly. No one could every say Lillith right, so I took my new life and took on my new name.  My angels sure were busy watching out for me.  I was like a wild animal let out of a cage. No boys at the ranch, lots of boys in Vegas. Thank you God for keeping me safe.  Our sweet Momma wanted us girls to go to the Mormon church so we could meet Good friends.  Well it just so happened that the very first Mormon building we went to had this super hot boy, Brad Reid, up on the stand.  It was lust at first sight. Wow I just new I wanted to get to know him. Long story short, we were married in the             St. George, Temple 5 years later.  During those five years, we both graduated from high school. I went away to Beauty school in Idaho and he went to Ohio on a mission.  We have 5 Beautiful children and one grandbaby boy. Life has been good to us. Im not the sweet inoccent girl that Brad married 26 years ago. I am very  grateful for my life, and I thank God for all that I have. My sister and I have stayed close, and I have added many more to my sister list. You have All enriched my life. Thank you God for my sisters.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

My Boy

As you know, Brandon doesn't take piano lessons, but he heard this song and thought that he wanted to learn it. So he got it on his Ipad and started practicing. A few
 weeks later he had it down (mostly from listening and learning from ear). So, I asked him to play it at church for me. And here it is. I think he did a good job considering he is petrified of performing in front of people. Of course, I try not to take all of the credit for my talented children, but where else would they have gotten it if not from me??? Haha.

The girls' recital is next weekend, so I'll post them soon.

Reagan has decided that every 5th of the month is Happy Day. She remembers it every month and requests that I wear her favorite purple shirt each Happy Day. She is such a goof, but I love her so much I can't stand it.

Bailey is a big 8th grader this year and not having a great year. Hope she likes High School next year. I'm nervous about her moving up, but I'm sure it will be ok. I still struggle to get her to practice, but I know that she does like playing as she gets better.

Love you guys.

P.S. Its getting bad around here. I can't hardly do crafting or reading without my dang reading glasses on. Good thing my Husband bought me a three pack. I have them everywhere (still fighting the urge to keep them around my neck).

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Dear Sisters, Somebody needs to write on this blog. I am tired of going here everyday and being disappointed that one of you cute girls hasn't written to me.
    I sent 3 of my stories and Helen's, "Cattle Drive from Hell and Back"  to Dustin, my English professor. Or I should say Misty's English professor. He is going to read and edit them over the Christmas Holidays.  I will keep you posted.
     LeAnna and I finished my Christmas present for my children. It is the book I was telling you about, telling them the story of their births. It turned out so sweet and precious. I can hardly wait to give them to them on Christmas day. Now I am working with a lady who transfers tapes to CD's. I have lots of old tapes of my kids singing songs when they were little. We are going through the horrible process of putting all of them on a CD, so I can put them in a jacket in the back of their books. I went over to hear what the lady had done so far, and we both sat there and cried. They were so precious. Their tiny little voices brought back so many sweet memories.
     Helen is coming up this weekend to make some more quilts and go out to Cane Beds to see Pat Pederson, because her son Vince is dying from cancer. Sad.  So we will drive out to see her. It will be fun to spend time with Helen. She is so wonderful.  Can't wait to see Beth in January.  Love and miss you all, Jelene

Sunday, November 25, 2012


It wasn't how I remember it as a child. I remember getting cramed in the car with all my siblings and driving for what seemed like days.  Sometimes the roads were so bad that we would slide all the way there. And sometimes we would end up in the barrow pit or ditch along side the road. But we always pulled up out side a church in Rigby Idaho, opened the car doors and out we would all fall.  I imagined we smelled pretty aweful, all piled in that car for 13 hours.  The next while seemed like heavens playground. We would run and play with cousins we only saw once a year. The bell would ring and we would meet in  a huge room lined with tables. And the food that was waiting to be gobbled down was beauty to the eye. WOW how could we eat all that? And was there really pleanty to go around? I tryed to savor the delicious food but it was to good. I had to eat fast so I could go back in line for more.  After the gorging, the adults would lie around like stuffed pigs but us kids would run and play.We didnt want it to end.
I ask Donna if thats how she remembered Thanksgivings when she was young.  She brought to my attention that our lives were soooooooooooo boring that that was the highlight of our Autum and Winter season. No wonder it stands out in our minds.
This year at the Reid Home, wasnt so memorable. We cooked, we ate, we sat because we were to misserable to move, we talked (not even about what we are GRATEFUL FOR). I was such in a over stuffed state that I forgot to start the Grateful chant. I kicked myself later. All of our beautiful children were here, Katelyn, Jared and Milo, Axel and his girl friend Cynthia, Wyatt, Quinntana and Rowdy. Brads sister Vera , her husband Ken, sons Spencer , Alex and wife, daughter Melanie with her husband and then there four small boys, the oldest being 5, youngest being 9 months were all here. Rowdy ask, Is this all whos coming?  No one for him to play with. Not a good thing. Then they left. We hauled out the tables and chairs, put the furniture back in its place, and Thanksgiving was over.
I  had something fun to share, so I thought I would share it with you.
I just finished the audible book "It's Never Crowded Along the Extra Mile" by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Thank you Donna for sharing. I highly recommend it to " all" my followeres. (I know there is many)
At the very end of the series, Dr. Dyer shares this.

If we could shrink the earths population to a village and the village had 100 people in it and with all the human nationalities remaining the same, hears what that village would look like.
57 of those 100 would be assion
21 of those 100 would be uropeans
14 of those 100 would be from the western hemispher both north and south
 8 of those 100 would be african
52 of those 100 would be female
48 of those 100 would be male
70                       would be non white
30                        would be white
70                         would be non christian
30                         would be christian
89 of those 100 would be hedrosexual
11 of those 100 would be homosexual
6 people would possess 59% of the entire worlds wealth and all 6 are from the United States.
80 of those 100 would live in substandard housing
70                      would be unable to read
50                       would suffer from malnutrition
1                           would be near death
1                           would be near birth
1                           would have a college education
1     of those 100   would own a computer
If you have food in your refrigerator, clothes on your back and a roof over your head and a place to sleep then your richer than 75% of the world.
If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed that the million who will not servive this week because of illness.
If you have $ in your bank or wallet and spare change in a dish some place, you are among the top 8% of the worlds wealthy. 92% of the world dont have that.
If you can attend a church meeting with out fear of arrest, torture, or death, you are more blessed that 3 billion people.
If you have never experienced battle, or lonlyness of imprissonment or the agony of tourcher or paigns of hunger, your ahead of 500 million people.
If your parents are still alive or still married, you are very rare, even in the United States.
Treasure your DIVINITY,  You came from GOD,  You are apart of GOD, GOD is always with You.

First I want to Thank  GOD.
Then, I am Grateful for all of you, I am Grateful for AMAZING people that we can learn from.
My heart is full of GRATITUDE.  Love Lilly




Hurt because you don't think anyone else reads what you write.  Well we do.  We just have writers block and can't share right now. You inspire us to keep going.  I love your stories of life.                My writers block has been lifted, so here goes. Love Lilly

Friday, November 23, 2012

Old Peoples Thanksgiving

Dear Sisters,
     It really sucks to get old. The only thing good about it is that you youngin's, who are thinking, "She's old, but that will never happen to me!" will get your turn at being old too. So there...
     We had planned on going on a road trip down to Sedona for Thanksgiving since we didn't have anyone home to cook for but Kaylee and Grumpy and myself. Kaylee and I both had to work on Black Friday, so we had to go before Thanksgiving.  Then Grumpy got asked if he would work Wednesday so that cut us short a day on our trip. Kaylee was stomping around here all pissed off that she wasn't in Texas for the holiday, making passionate love to her cute Mexican lover because they broke up two days after she came back from her last visit down to see him.  I was just imagining how fun the two days in the car with Miss Pissy and Mr. Grumpy was going to be, so I got a cold. Maybe that would keep us home and them away from me!! But Miss Pissy was bound and determined she was not staying home to listen to me cough and pee into up my laughing pads on Thanksgiving Day!! So she sat the two old people down and told us we had to make a plan. Road Trip Or Bust!!
    We took the first exit into town and stopped at the Cracker Barrel for breakfast. Not the best food, but if you give Grumpy some coffee, he becomes bearable. Then, Cedar City, Summit, Parowan, Brian Head,(some snow, some skiers) Panguitch Lake, Panguitch, Hatch, Glendale, Orderville, Zion Tunnel,  (Kaylee is driving her first switchback's, my toes are curled into the floor mat in the back!) Zion Canyon, (lots of deer this year), Springdale, Rockville, Virgin, Laverkin, Hurricane, Washingtion, and back to the Cracker Barrel for Thanksgiving Dinner!! NO, I am not kidding. Only $8.95 each.  Not the best food, but we had been all day without food. I think we even had a hunger pain and if you give people food, they smile. So we had a great Thanksgiving Day.  Really, it wasn't all that bad. Can't wait till next year when the kids will be here. We will have real food and lots of it. Actually, I just remembered, they are coming for Christmas this year, so I only have to wait like 29 more days for a home cooked meal.  Mary will be here to cook,YES!! Real Turkey, Real dressing, Real mashed potatoes and gravy. Wow, what a concept. Oh, yes, and Real Pie!!!!
     Hope you had a Wonderful Thanksgiving, Donna, since you are the only one who will read this! Just Kidding! Don't get your laughing pads all twisted in a knot or they'll stick to your hairs and hurt when you rip them off!! Okay, maybe I just went too far... Love you all anyway! Kisses, Jelene

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Awesome Bagels

Saturday afternoon my girls wanted to make something and I just happened to have some asiago cheese that I had bought for this purpose, so we did it. We made asiago cheese bagels.

This is the recipe that I used and it was really easy. The only thing that I did differently was I actually put alittle of the shreaded cheese in the batter right before I formed them into bagels.

They were way yummy the first day and not that great the second day, so I would make them when you have people over, so that you can just enjoy them fresh.

Plan on making them more, the kids loved them.
Love you all.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Why you shouldn't throw grapes in the Cafeteria

Evidentally some boys in Reagan's class were throwing grapes at lunch, so they all had to write an essay on Why not to throw grapes in the Cafeteria. Here it is.

If you throw grapes, you get caught, you go to safe, Mr. Hoskins yells at you, your parents find out, they take away your phone, no communication, you are lonely, your record is permantly ruined, you don't get into college, you don't get a good job, no job, no money, no money means no house, no house means you live under a bridge. If you live under a bridge, you die alone. Don't live under a bridge, Don't throw grapes.

She said that she wrote a serious one and didn't turn this one in, but I told her that this one was good and she should feel free to be expresive and funny in her writing. She has started writing her first novel. I'm trying to encourage her. I think she will be a great author.

Love you all,

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Good Books

Dear Sisters,
     I have a hard time reading one book at a time. I have about three books on my night stand and depending on my mood, I will choose a different one every night to sooth my soul to sleep. The other night I went to bed angry and didn't want to read about love and forgiveness, so I picked up the trashy novel and read about lust and sex and stuff. And that can't be good because the only thing that is going to do is make me have really good dreams!! But since having orgasms in my dreams is the only place I will have one, I will be grateful for that.
     Now, back to the righteous book I am reading. It is called "These Truths Can Change Your Life" by Joseph Murphy...He also wrote "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind".  Here's just a little bit of the book that I love. "Whatever idea you have that is emotionalized or felt as true will be made manifest in your life. Whatever you give attention to and feel to be true will be impressed in your subconscious and brought to pass. If, for example, you affirm with emphasis and feeling that you will always be poor, can't get a head in life, that you will be discriminated against and can't do anything about it, you can rest assured that you will get the results decreed by yourself.
     Likewise, claim openly that you are born to win and to triumph, and that it is your Divine right to be healthy, wealthy and successful, and your subconscious will compel you to express these in your life as experiences, conditions and events."
     Throughout the book he gives you prayers or affirmations to repeat throughout the day.."I am the daughter of the Living God. God's peace, harmony, and joy flow through me. I am happy, joyous and free. I am inspired from On High. God loves me and cares for me. God is working wonders and miracles in my life now."
      Some that I wrote down for myself: "I am surrounded by Divine Love and Divine Peace. God opens up new doors and new ways for me now. I am God in action."
    "I am all knowledge, all power. The Infinite cannot fail. God is always successful. God dwells in me. I was born to win, to succeed and to triumph in life."
     May God bless everyone of us with a beautiful Mercedes SUV!! Like the one I saw on the Bloomington round-about today!!  Hugs and kisses, Jelene

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Cross Country 2012

The starting line with 357 middle school girls headed out for their 4k run (approx 2.5 miles)
The herd of girls as they make their way towards the finish line.
Reagan with her warrior paint on, making it look easy.

She had me so worried at the halfway point. I saw all of the Hayes girls in a clump and she is usually near them, but it seemed like forever before I saw her. I cheered her on and then hurried accross the field to the finish line so that I could be there when she got there. I was so releived when I saw that she had done her usual and passed a bunch of runners in the second half of the race. She was 5th out of our team of the top 7 girls that got to run in this race, so she had caught up to, and passed some of the girls that were in the clump that I had seen earlier.

Our top runner came in 7th and the team came in 2nd in the state. Reagan was 64th over all.  We were so proud of them for all of their hard work.

It was a nice (40 degree) windy morning with a gentle misty rain biting at your face. It's a good thing we were only there for 3 hours. lol.  I felt so bad when Reagan had to strip down to her uniform and get ready to run. They were all so cold, but it's actually easier to run in this weather than when it's 80 and humid.

Bailey didn't qualify to run in the main race, so she was supposed to run in the open race, which is boys and girls, so she bailed and decided she didn't want to run. But she was there being supportive to the team.

Today, Brandon is with the band in Bowling Green at his State Finals Competition. He called us to say that they had the best performance of the year and was so excited, but a little while ago a parent called me to tell me that they came in ninth. So, I'm sure that the whole band is feeling so down right now. I'm so sad because they are so much better this year than they were last year and they got eighth.

So, I am so sad for the band. They have put so much heart into this year's show and it didn't come thru for them. But I am so proud of all the work and effort that they put into it. They are definitely the hardest working group on campus and they don't get near the recognition that they deserve. They take it so much more serious then we did in HS. I think we did one local contest and one in California and that was it. These guys do a contest every weekend for two months straight and get all crazy. I'm not sure which is better. I think Brandon is actually having a better experience then I did, so I think they know what they are doing, but there is so much work that goes into it.

I warned Reagan today that next year was Brandon's last year in band and Bailey's first year and she was probably going to be on her own for State Cross Country next year. I'm going to have to be where ever Brandon and Bailey are and Reagan will have to be with either Troy or friends, because I'm for the first time going to be at the State Marching Band Finals with the band.


Love ya'll

Love you all,



Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Indian Ritual

  Dear Sisters,
   The man behind me at the check out at Walmart chuckled, out loud, when I asked the cashier if she knew which brand of cigarettes didn't have a filter. I told her that my sisters and I were going to be doing an Indian Ritual and I was supposed to buy some tobacco to spread around the fire I was going to build!! I had also purchased some maxi-pads, because ever since I had that bad cold, I have been having a hard time not leaking when I sneeze or laugh loud, which is what I do all the time. I am Laughing Grandma, you know!  Kaylee calls them, laugh pads. I was hoping the guy behind me wouldn't notice them.
   "Now, that is the most elaborate story I have ever heard someone tell, who just wants to have a good smoke!" The guy behind me laughed.
   "No, really. I need some tobacco for my Indian Ritual."
   "Sure, you do.."
   "Just give me the cheapest brand you have." I told the cashier.
   "Have a good smoke." the man yelled as a picked up my bag and walked toward the door. He was probably saying to himself, "Now, There is a crazy lady. She thinks she is young enough to have a period and old enough to smoke!"
    "Oh, I will!" I yelled back!
   I have been reading 'Write It Down, Make It Happen'.  In the book it tells a story about an old Indian ritual called the Arrow Ceremony. In many Indian cultures, tribes and families would gather to start up a new year at the solstice and have a special celebration, at sunrise, where they would make a request to the Great Spirit to eliminate certain things that they no longer wanted in their lives, and to bring in things that they now wanted to have in their lives. As a way of representing this, they would craft six arrows: three to represent the things they did not want and three for the things that they did want. They placed bird feathers on the ends of the arrows. They went to low ground and made a circle inscribed with tobacco leaves...See, I really did need those Cigarettes!! One by one they would step into the circle from the North, put the arrows in the ground and say silent prayers, concentrating on what they were willing to give up or what they wanted to get rid of. Once everyone was done, they would burn the arrows. The smoke would send the message to the Great Spirit. Then they would go to higher ground, inscribing a similar circle, this time leaving the opening to the South. Again, one by one, they would go into the new circle, and put the arrows in the ground and make the request to the Great Spirit for what they wanted to bring into their lives. Then they would burn the arrows. Sending their messages to the Great Spirit.
    So, two weeks ago, when Lilly said that she and Brad and family were going to be at the ranch deer hunting, Helen and I decided that we should go out too. Then I thought "We should do this Indian Ritual together," and I called Lilly and Helen and they were all excited when I told them there was fire and tobacco involved.   I collected everything we would need.  Sticks to be our arrows. Ribbon to be our feathers, kindling for the fire and matches, paper and pens to write our requests to the Great Spirit and of course tobacco!!
     When we got to the ranch, we had a great surprise! Kay, Isacc,  Lehi and Lilly and family were there. So fun to see them. Then Crystal and family, Rosie and family all came out, so we had a blast with them all. 
    Sunday morning dawned, bright and crisp. Brad and Wyatt got up just as it was getting light and headed out to shoot Bambie. I heard them rustling downstairs and turned over in bed and whispered to Kay, "Kay, get up. Let's go do the Indian Ritual."
    "What's an Indian Ritual?"
    "Just come on." I pulled on my pants and tiptoed to Helen's room.
    Helen opened her eyes, when I stood over her. I put my finger to my mouth and pointed to the door. She rose quietly from her bed, not wanting to disturb Crystal and baby.  Then I went downstairs to wake the princess. She was having a hard time leaving the soft King Sized, princess mattress Brad had brought out to donate to the ranch house. He is the best!  Just kidding, She jumped right up and was excited about the fires and the cigarettes.We bundled up warm and headed for my car. I opened the back up and we stood there in the freezing breeze and wrapped out sticks with ribbons and wrote out the things we wished to leave behind and the things we wanted to come into our lives. Then we headed for the fire pit on the patio. We had had a huge fire the day before when we tore the drawers, closets and carpet out of Jeremy's room and burned it all.  ( Wow, You should see how nice that room looks! )  There were still some hot embers burning. Helen threw a log on the fire and we gathered around. I opened my very first pack of cigarettes and handed one to each of my Indian sisters. "Here, rip those open and spread them around the top edge of the fire pit."  We stood on the North side of the fire and read our requests for the 3 things we were ready to give up. Mine were Procrastination,  30 Pounds of fat, and Clutter in my life. As we read each one, we threw the arrow and the note into the fire. Then we went to the south side of the fire pit and this time we read our requests in silence to the
Great Spirit and then threw in each request and each arrow.  Then I read this from the book. It is what one women wrote, 10 years ago, when she first began doing this ritual with her friends.
" Great Spirit,
I would like guidance in stepping on to a  new plateau of personal and financial growth and achievement. I want to make a great step forward in terms of what I will accomplish with my life from this point onward. In a quiet understated way, I want to be able to make a difference in people's lives and to make a positive contribution to the world. I am just entering into the main stretch. Please help me to expand exponentially in all areas of my life."
     I think my... "I want to lose 30 pounds of fats" sounds almost as eloquent as what she wrote. Don't you?!!!
    Anyway, the year she started doing the rituals,  this lady had the idea to write a real estate book which was a great success and then she wrote "Simplify Your Life", and it was a best seller. So I thought "It sure couldn't hurt us to do a few dozen rituals, because we need more help from the Great Spirit than the average bear!!
  The Sun was just starting to peek over the east hill so we hiked up the north hill and watched the beautiful day begin. Group Hug! Aren't Sisters just the best idea God ever came up with.  I love you all so much...Love Jelene

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Grand Champions

Last weekend, Brandon's marching band took the title of Grand Champions of the competition that they were performing in. They were so excited and rightfully so. This weekend was the semi-finals. If they didn't make it into the top 8 they didn't get to go to state next weekend. According to Reagan and I (we sat and watched almost all of the bands and rated them impartially) they came in 2nd or 3rd.
They are going to be awesome next week at State.

Anyway, a cute story from this morning's rehearsal. They were all in formation and Mr. Kite was walking among them all and talking about being solid. He would push his hand against their shoulder and expect them not to move from their stance. When he came to Brandon, he pressed on his shoulder and Brandon didn't move. Mr. Kite said, "Now that  is good. Nice work." And at that moment him and one of his trumpet mates said. "Solid Sexy". Brandon said that the whole band cracked up so much that they couldn't get them back under control for 5 minutes. My boy is so funny and fun.

During Band camp someone told him that he was the fittest fat person they had ever seen. Too funny. He will show them soon though. He joined the wrestling team and starts training as soon as marching band is over. I'm looking forward to seeing him train and wrestle. Should be fun.

Next weekend he will be on his own, because the girls have their Cross Country State Finals the same weekend, so I will stay here and watch them run. Poor Reagan is so torn. She loves running CC so much, but she loves Marching band too. She could march with Henry Clay as an 8th grader which would be cool because it would be the last time that all three of my kids would be in the same activity, but if she leaves CC next year it will really leave the team short. Basically next year Savannah (who has been our top runner this year), Reagan, and Julia will be the only great runners on our team that are left and it takes a top 5 to win a meet.

Anyway, next year I'll have to spread myself around even more because it will be Brandon's last year here in my home. BOOHOO I have already started to cry about it. I'm going to miss him so much.
I have been getting up and cooking him breakfast since we don't see him much. He is always so grateful and sweet to me. It makes it so worth it. I so look forward to watching him live a wonderful life.

Oh, and let's not forget the good news. I told Bailey today that I was so happy with her behavior lately. She was so cute, and I could tell that she loved hearing it. She still has a moment here and there, but she has really turned into a nice girl the last month or two.

And of course, Reagan is still sweet as punch. She is just a lover. Someone is going to be really lucky to get her. I'm just trying to teach her to be meaner from now until she is on her own. She is my Jesus lover and loves to pray and has such a strong faith in God. How did I get these three awesome kids to choose me?



Friday, October 19, 2012

Defining Women Group

I wanted to share my amazing day with you.
I belong to a Defining Women's group that my friend Kathlyn Jaramillo founded about 5 years ago.  Every other Friday, I get to go rub shoulders with AMAZING women like my sisters.  When I leave, my bucket is overflowing. We all have the same goal in life; To make the world a better place by giving back to those we come in contact with. Serving others, its refreshing to get to know these women.  I want you all to meet them and be uplifted like I am.  I'm talking to Kathlyn about starting a chapter up in Alaska, with having Beth in mind to run it and get it started. It helps women feel empowered when they have positive, uplifting, loving friends in there life. Everyone of us needs that.
So the lady that shared her story today, had a terrible thing happen to her.  She was abducted for about 8 hours, tortured and raped and then he let her go.  It happened about 7 years ago. She was able to stand up in front of us and share her story and not be a wreck or basket case through the whole thing.  One of the women asked her what she learned from it and what she could teach others. She said she remembers walking out to her car, it was afternoon and over cast. She had just got off the phone and wasn't paying attention to her surroundings. She was preoccupied. She got in her car and before she realized what was happening, a man had jumped into her back seat on the passenger side, wrapped an electric shock collar around her neck and told her to drive.  He wore a mask and gloves, so she never saw his face. She says every time she sees girls walking down the street texting on their phones it makes her sick to her stomach because they are not walking with purpose and confident about where and what they are doing. For a while she talked at schools and tried to bring awareness to young people (boys too, they are not exempt).Because of her case and others, Congress passed something that maked the car manufacturers put a safety feature in cars now that you have to click your unlocker 1 time for just driver door and two times for all doors.  If her car would have been locked she wouldn't have been as easy a target. God was with her and still is.  She described her husband as an ANGLE from GOD. God sent him to her  at the right time. It takes a special person to help someone work through that much baggage.  She has made the choice to not be a victim anymore and to force herself to keep going, to get herself back to being her and not the victim. Her wonderful Dad (as she described him) always said "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger". WOW what a strong woman. By the end of her story I was in tears. For the next 6 hours, every time I thought of her or thought of our childhood I cried. It brought up so many emotions. This story I'm writing right now affected me more than I realized. Watching precious children be tortured by there dad, or being tortured is not right, not what a 11 year old needs to watch. My , Our inner child needs lots of healing, and I know we will get this by sharing our story's. I feel so blessed to have all of you in my life. I cant even imagine life with out you all.  Our mother was a GREAT LADY. She planted seeds of GREATNESS in ALL of US.  I have had such an amazing amount of passion for life lately. Its because I finally realized what I want to do with this next part of my life.  I want to write our book, and I want to serve others buy teaching them about doTERRA ESSENTIAL OILS.  I know that if I'm serving others, I will grow as a woman, who will become a leader. The money will come. OUR BOOK IS ON THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERS LIST. This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO exciting. I can feel what its going to feel like already. Our ship is in motion, ARE YOU READY TO SAIL?
I love you all. Love Lilly

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Precious Children


My precious sister Janice always wanted a baby. This couple from Salt Lake felt like Janice would be a good fit in their family. There was no marriage that I can remember, but Janice went to live with Steven and Linda Thompson.  Steven and Linda had 10 children, heaven knows they needed help. Janice wasn't gone to long when Steven came out to the ranch to get a few things Janice had been asking for.  I thought it would be fun to go visit Janice and stay with Steven and Linda for a while.  They had children close to my age. I felt all grown up at the age of 11. I had never been away from home.  I packed my little hand me down bag, with a couple pairs of pants, my prettiest shirts, my best socks, and off I went.  Steven was a tall man with strong features, brown hair and freckly hairy arms. His car was an old green 65 Chevy station wagon. I sat up front in that big front seat. I kept as close to the passenger door as I could. The car seemed so big and roomie. I watched my home and family disappear from site. When I couldn't see home any more I tired to remember why I had wanted to come, Oh ya, Steven had children my age and I would get to see Janice again. It was hot and dusty on that dirt road. To dusty to have the windows down, to hot not to. We stopped in Pioche to get gas and He bought me my very own  Snickers candy bar. I got to eat it all by myself. I did the best I could telling Steven about Pioche and the things I new about it. The old court house that is 100 years old, where the elementary school is and the movie house. When we passed the Mormon church, I said theirs the LSD church, Steven had a good laugh about that, I didn't even know why he was laughing. The road to Salt Lake took forever. I had been savoring my snickers candy bar for what seemed like forever. We were somewhere between Pioche and Wendover,  driving along minding our own business, when a man in a white nova pulls up along side of us. He's yelling at us and shaking his fist at us. Steven starts yelling back at him.  I'm getting scared, this isn't looking good. Finally the man pulls ahead of us and I think thank heavens that's over, when Steven  says "Open the jockey box" I open the jockey box and inside I see a pistol. My heart is pounding a hundred miles a min, what is he going to do with that. Steven says  "Hand it to me". I picked up the gun carefully and hand it over to Steven. He had this evil look in his pale blue eyes. I look up ahead and I can tell he is trying to gain speed to catch up to the man in the white nova. It took awhile for the station wagon to build up speed. We pull up along the nova, Steve yells at me to roll down my window. I crank it down as fast as I can. Steven driving the car with his left hand, the pistol  in his right hand pointing in front of me at the man in the white Nova, yelling at the man to leave us alone or he will shoot. The man in the Nova backed off and we never saw him again. Why did I want to leave the safety of my home and family?
It was dark and late as we pulled up to his home in Salt Lake City. Linda and Janice met us at the door in their bathrobes. I wrapped my arms around Janice and didn't want to let go. Linda gave me a
big hug and right away I knew she was good and safe. She got us some supper and ask  about our trip. I took one look at Steven and knew by the look in his eyes that I had better keep my mouth shut.
I told her our trip was fine. After we ate, Linda  made me a bed on their couch. She hugged me again and told me she was so happy that I was here safe. She reassured me that we would have fun and that everything would be ok. I tried to relax a little, but my mind was running away. Steven with that gun in his hand kept flashing in my mind. Mama had helped me memorize the 21 psalm, and told me if I was ever scared or sad to repeat it over and over and it would bring me comfort. I needed comfort NOW. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me lie down in green Pasteur's He leadeth me beside the still waters, He restoreth my sole.  He leadeth me in the path of righteousness for his name sake, Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow and death, I shall fear no evil, for Thou art with me, Thy rod Thy staff They comfort me, Shirley goodness and mercy shall fallow me All the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.  I said it over and over.
I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. I kept telling myself, the LORD will protect me. As long as I was saying those words in my head I felt calm, I finally fell asleep
The next morning was exciting. I awoke to the chitter chatter of ten hungry children. I was use to my
sisters around but Donna was my only sister who was younger than me. Here I was the oldest with ten little ones. I felt way old. They all told me their names all at once. How was I suppose to remember them all.
Breakfast was a BIG pot of oatmeal cereal. That pot was HUGH. I learned quick that you can't be shy at the breakfast table or dinner table or supper table or you went hungry. And you ate what was put on the table or else you went hungry. Linda took extra care to make sure I got enough.
As soon as breakfast was over everyone had a chore to do. Lorraine was my age, and beautiful like her mother. Her hair was blonde and almost to her waist. She wore it in a French braid down her back.
Her job was to get the two and three year olds dressed and hair done. Sarah was two with blonde curly hair, cute chubby cheeks and the biggest eyes i had ever saw. Julie was three, and she new she was big enough to get herself dressed. Just when Lorraine had Sarah almost dressed she would turn around to help Julie and she would be gone, down stairs playing with toys. They had a big play room downstairs with way more toys than I had ever seen before. There were three bedrooms down stairs that all the kids slept in. Steven Jr. Alex and Joshua in one room, Lorraine Ashley and Rachel in one room and then Kathrine, Sarah and Julie, in the other room.  Baby Grant slept up stairs in Janice's room. Janice loved babies.. She bathed him so careful and rubbed him with good smelling lotion.  If a stranger would have come to visit they would have thought baby Grant was hers.  She loved him.  She was so sweet to him. She took care of baby Grant every min unless he was nursing Linda. Linda  was a very soft and loving Mother.  She never yelled at her children, but they listened to her and were very well behaved. She taught with love and encouragement. She was very tender with them.  She was tender herself.  She was soft spoken, beautiful inside and out. She had bright green eyes, full lips with high cheek bones. Her hair was long past her waist. She wore it twisted up into a bun on the back of her head. I loved watching her because I hadn't ever been around a grown up lady as pretty as she was. They were bright happy children during the day, but when Steven the Father came home everything changed. I saw fear in the kids eyes when Steven walked in.  Everyone scurried and picked up toys or cloths.  I noticed Joshua and Kathrine disappear. I felt their pain.  I would hide when my father came home too. So days were happy and evenings were dark.
Linda home schooled her children. As soon as breakfast was done and the table cleared off, it was time to start school lessons.  Everyone had a spot for their school books. Linda was very organized everything in its place. She found me books to read while she was helping her kids with school.  Janice did all the laundry and picked up after the children and helped with the little ones during school.  Then lunch break, then back to school tell 2pm. Free time tell supper at 6;00pm. Chores to tidy up the home before bedtime.  Linda would read bed time stories at night to keep them all down stairs away from their Father.  He would stay up stairs and watch TV.
This was pretty much the routine every day, except on the weekends.  Saturdays were spent doing chores cleaning the house.  Linda would take Steven Jr. to help her with grocery shopping. They would come home with bags and bags of food. They lived on the basic foods like oatmeal, rice, beans, potatoes, and pasta.  On Sundays there was some kind of meat added to the evening meal to make it a little extra special.  Lorraine would make a cake or cookies for dessert. What a treat.
I was going on my second week there and was really getting home sick. 
One evening the kids and I were playing up stairs, just being kids and Alex grabbed a pillow of the couch and threw it at Steven Jr. who was standing by the fire place.  The pillow missed Steven Jr. and hit the fire place mantel. It knocked over a real nice picture frame of Stevens parents.  It crashed to the floor and the glass shattered into what seemed like a thousand pieces.  There was dead silence.  Alex started crying and said over and over.  "I didn't mean to."  Linda went to comfort him and ask Steven Jr. Lorraine and I to clean up the broken glass.  Linda put the picture frame back together and put it back up on the fire place mantel.  She told the children.  "It looks good as new, Father wont even notice its broken."  Two days and nights went by before Steven noticed the broken picture.  He had just got home from work.  We were all busy helping get supper on the table and picking things up.  I noticed when he walked in the door he seemed up set.  He had slammed the front door , marched down the hall to his room.  His usual rutean was to come in and sit down in his big chair and have one of the kids take of his work boots and socks.  All the kids seemed extra quiet.  Steven finally came out of his bedroom, walked around the house like he was looking for something in particular.  He went to the fire place mantel and we all held our breath. Please God don't let him notice the glass missing from the picture frame.  He picked up the picture frame and looked at it. WHO broke this picture of my parents?  Sarah, Kathrine and Joshua had already run to hide.  WHO broke this picture.  Each time he said it his voice got louder and meaner.  He started yelling at the kids to line up, Steven Jr., Lorraine, Alex, Alesha, Rachel Joshua. He went up and down the line yelling. I'm going to spank you all until one of you tell me who broke the picture. He Yanked off his leather belt and started  whipping Lorraine. Each one got at least 3 or more hard swats with the belt. By the time he got to Alex they were all crying. I had run to hide behind Janice  This looked all to familiar. Linda stepped   in front of Steven.  "STOP" she said. Steven looked at her with dark crazy eyes. He slapped her across the face so hard it nocked her down.  "Go sit down" he said. Seven when back to the front of the line and started  whipping Lorraine. again.  This time they were harder swats. "They will keep getting harder.  Someone had better tell me who broke the picture." He had just spanked  Alex the second time and was going for Ashley next.  "Father," Ashley said, "Alex did it.  He didn't mean to.  It was him," she gasp between sabs. Steven got in front of Alex who was crying with his head down.  He pulled his tear streaked face up to look at him. "Did you break my picture?" He shook his head yes.
I knew what it was like getting beat by my Father, but what I saw next made me sick to my tummy. Steven picked up Alex by his ankles and swung his head and body into the wall by the fire place over and over. Linda was begging him "STEVEN STOP you will kill him, STOP." When Steven put Alex on the floor, he had blood running out his nose and ears.  Linda scooped him up as careful as she could and carried him down stairs.  All the children fallowed her. They hovered around to see if Alex was alive. She cleaned up the blood from his nose and ears.  She put a cold cloth on his forehead, and then She picked him up ever so tender, and rocked him back and forth in the chair, telling him how much she loved him and how sorry she was for what happened.
Alex never seemed quite the same after that. Things were different.
I cried myself to sleep every night after that.
Father came the next Saturday. I was so glad to see him, I hugged him tight.  Janice said to Father, "I go with you." We packed our bags and  said good by to Linda and all the precious children.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Having Fun with My Daughters

Dear Sisters,  Sorry to take over the blog all of a sudden, but my stories have been stacking up and now I finally have time to sit down and write.
     Linton, I and LeAnna and Reagan drove up to Lehi last Friday so we could be there when Micheal, Janae and Boston blessed Kennedy, their new baby girl on Sunday. Janae had a list of honeydews for her dad to get done for her. Misty and Maya joined us on Saturday and we spent the day laughing and shopping. We went to a fun store called 'the Wood Connection'.  You can buy fun letters and decorations made from wood.  They show you how to paint them and decorate them up so cute. Words for every Holiday, like JOY,  NOEL, BOO, and THANKFUL. LeAnna bought wood letters to spell Reagan for her new room.  We were all standing at the check out when Janae brought out her drivers license  for identification. She brought out her old one with a hole punched through it and said, "I never show anyone my new one because the picture is just horrid." So of course we ask to see it.  It looked like she was cross eyed.  I said "What were you doing?" She said, "I was trying to keep track of Boston and smile at the same time and my eyes got confused."
    Then LeAnna said, "That's nothing. You should see mine!"
     I truly didn't believe it could get worse than Janae's. But then LeAnna showed us a picture of her with her hair all up in a pointy pigtail, sticking straight up out of the top of her head.  "Why did you take a picture with your hair like that?"
     "Well, it was right after I had Adam and the last day before my license expired and Kyle came home for lunch and told me that I better get over there and get it done this very minute. So I grabbed my coat and went over, not even thinking about my hair."
     "Oh, My Gosh, you look just like Alfalfa!" I said.
     Misty said, "When the cop pulls you over, you can show him your picture and yell, 'I just had a baby, OK!!'"
      We were laughing so hard, the people in the store were looking at us like we were crazy. But I wanted to tell them. "Hey, this is nothing, this is only half of us! We can be even louder!"  Then we went to Hobby Lobby and looked for some more goodies. We all went out to Texas Road House for supper and this is what I wrote in my journal that night in the hotel room, while listening to my husband snore in the queen bed next to mine.
     'If I die in my sleep tonight from eating too much at Texas Road House, you can sing this song for me at my funeral. And this is the song that was singing in my head..."If I Die Young---60 is Young, OK!!---Bury me in Satin, Lay Me Down In a Bed of Roses." You know that dumb song, Band Perry sings. I don't like it, but I couldn't stop singing it in my mind.
     Ruth and Kay were both in Eagle Mountain staying with their kids so we all got together at Janae's new house Saturday morning for a visitayt war so fun to see them again.
     Kennedy looked so beautiful in her crocheted blessing dress and she slept through the whole thing. She was happy when she got home she let us take some adorable pictures of her smiling.
     What a great life we live. I am so blessed to have you all in my life. Thanks for being there. Love, Jelene


Dear Sisters,  The last few weeks, I have been thinking a lot about our parents. The anniversary of Mothers passing brought many tears and memories to mind. I love her and miss her a lot. I often think of the life she lived. The sweet times and the sorrow. I think of how we might judge her quite harshly sometimes for some of the things she did or didn't do.  Then I turn inward and think of my life and the ways my children judge me for not being protective enough, loving enough or standing up for them when I should have. And I realize that this is the fate of all mothers and fathers. This is the life cycle that we all live and none of us escape. At least those of us who are parents. Not one of us is perfect and we shouldn't expect our parents to be perfect either.
      I'm sure mother cried herself to sleep many nights, for the things her children had to suffer. Just like I have.
     I'm sure she wished things could be different. Just like I have.
     I'm sure she wished her husband could have been more loving and kind to her children, just like I have.
     So, I want to thank father for feeding me. For all the trips to D I. For the phone, when it was working. For the electricity, when it was on. For trusting me to drive his diesel.  For teasing me and saying he thought it was mother playing the piano, when he knew all along it was me, playing maybe a 1/16 as good as she did.  For the clarinet duets.  For "It's Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom Time" anytime there were 3 of us together. And for so many more things.
     I could never list all the reasons I am grateful for mother but I do want to thank her for being the best mother she could be. I want to thank her for the music. Her music gave her such solace when I'm sure she felt she couldn't go on. It lifted her up and gave back to her the love she had given to it.  How she loved her piano.  For the 5:30 wake up calls to her lively rendition of 'Polish Dance'. For the 20 years she fed me three meals a day. For making Kay and I long underwear to wear to school, so we would feel like we were just as righteous as the Hammon girls.  For making me believe I could do anything.  For sitting in the hallway every night for as long as I can remember and reading adventure stories to us. She gave us the world every night.  For teaching us how to clean a house. For combing through our matted, snarly hair every Saturday night and wrapping all that hair back into rag ringlets.  For being prideful, talented, stubborn, determined, kind, loving and human.  But most of all, for teaching us how to be the best mothers we could be.   I thank you again, mother.  Love, Jelene

Mothers Last Days

     Dear Sisters,  It was so fun to hear all you voices last night on our first Conference Call.  Let's do it again soon.
     It has been a year since our sweet Mother left us and went to heaven. I was going over that special day in my mind last week. How we were so privileged to have her close by us when she died.  Lee and Keith and families were here a lot. Helen and Lilly came up every weekend to cook meals for the next week. Helen read to her from "The Seven Miracles That Saved America". How she loved her country.  Helen found a CD with beautiful symphony music and mother loved listening to it.  Lilly fixed her hair all pretty.  Kay came out and stayed with mother so Linton and I could get away for the weekend. Ruth and Donna came out to see Mother and all of her children were here that weekend for the BBQ, when it rained and we had 90 Pearsons standing in my kitchen and garage. So fun!
      The day she passed Helen and Lilly and I were sitting around the table. Lilly got up and walked into the room where mother was laying on the bed.  She came back out and said "She is gone". We walked into the room and 'Traumerei' was  playing on the stereo. The piano piece she played at Uncle Blair's Funeral. I'm sure that all her brothers and sisters were there to take her home.  Helen and Lilly and I stood over her and wept. How can you say good-bye to someone like our mother. One of the chosen ones. So talented, hardworking, faithful, giving, unselfish, and so amazing. Thank you for being our Mother.  Love, Jelene

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Donna's first half marathon - The Ironhorse

The first picture is proof that Troy was there, even though he missed me crossing the finish line because he went to a store.

The first half of the race was very hilly, but nothing too terrible, just long rolling hills. Just before I came back thru town where the people were cheering us on, I passed the half way point and was thrilled when I saw my time at the half way point was 1:04:00. I was so excited that I was under my goal, so I just kept going. But let me tell you, the second half was killer. They started nice and flat and then all of a sudden there are hills that make you say,  "I think it's time for me to walk for a bit." I didn't feel too bad though, because almost everyone walked those last two terrible hills, so I wasn't alone.

There was an older lady that I stayed with the whole time. She said that she used to be competetive and always trying to win, but now she just does it for the fun. She walked and ran the whole time. I would catch her on her walks and then she would get in front on her runs. I was joking with Brandon at the start, that I was going to find some old guy with a limp and try to stay up with him. So, she ended up being my old guy with a limp. You would be surprised at how awesome some of these old people with limps are. lol.

The last picture is a one that Brandon took. The scenery that we ran through was wonderful. At several points there were horses that were running along the fences with us because they were shocked to see 1200-1400 people running up and down their road in strange, bright running clothes. Brandon has a knack for photography. He really enjoys it and takes some great pictures.

It was so cute. As I came towards the finish line, they met me, then Reagan ran along with me, while Bailey and Brandon ran up ahead and pulled an invisible rope across a spot just before the finish line, so I ran thru it with my hands up over my head. They were all so proud of me. A Very Happy Day. I don't know what I would do without my kids sometimes. They bring me so much happiness these days.

Oh, and at the end, I sprinted and passed my lady with the limp just for good measure.

On another note, Brandon's marching band went away as the Grand Champions of the Competition that they were in on Saturday. They did so good. I can't wait for this weekend. The girls don't have a race, so we are going to spend all afternoon and night watching Brandon and hanging out with the band. I already told Troy to drive a separate car so that he can go home when he wants to. I'm so sweet.

The aftermath: it is challenging to walk up or down stairs, sit on the potty or do any kind of bending over. I think by tomorrow I might feel like I'm getting back to normal.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Donna's Vineyard

Thanks for sharing your harvest.  Wow, I really want to come help next year.  I didn't see any grape stomping. Is that a lost art? I googled grape smashing and watched a youtube video with two lady's having a contest to see who could get the most juice out of the grapes in so many min. Well  the one lady got off balance and took a header off the platform onto the ground.   It looked painful. That's probably why they don't stomp any more. (not)   Is your other vineyard  red grapes?  Cant wait to taste this years crop. That sounds like a good reason to come see you.  Lilly

Awesome Pumpkin Cheese Cake

Today at the end of Cross Country practice. My friend Sonya brought me a big slice of pumpkin cheese cake. It's her specialty and it is wonderful. So I thought I would share the recipe.
Everyone will think you are a cooking genious at fall parties.

Crust: one sleeve graham crackers, 1/2 stick butter and 1/4 cup sugar
(Crush crackers and add melted butter)
form to your pan. (some chopped pecans really dresses this up and tastes wonderful too)
3 pkg cream cheese

2 eggs at room temp

2/3 cup evaporated milk

1 cup sugar

¼ brown sugar

1 tbsp corn starch

1 can pumpkin


Combine all ingredients and bake at

350 for 55 min


Sour Cream topping

1 tub sour cream

¼ cup sugar

1 tsp vanilla


Add sour cream topping sprinkle with pumpkin pie spice (approx.1 tsp)  and bake for another 8 minutes. Let cool and serve.


Also makes a wonderful plain cheese cake, just leave out the pumpkin and pumpkin pie spice.
Hope you enjoy.
Love ya,



Crazy Living arrangements

When we first moved to Vegas, I wouldn't say that we lived in a nice neighborhood or anything, but it was a house and to us it was a nice enough house. Then we moved to an even nicer neighborhood that I really liked because I was within walking distance to my school and I actually had neighborhood friends to hang around with. I'm not sure why we moved from there, but suddenly we were living in a trailer and Father had arranged for us to help around the place in exchange for living in this trailer. In my mind, he just didn't want to provide for us anymore, so he was trying to find places for us to live for free. I don't remember that much about it except that Lilly and I slept out in the tackle room with the saddles and I remember freezing to death one night and thinking, "This isn't really working for me. " (Like my opinion mattered)

After that we moved across the street in to a nice unfinished house, where we were also going to help him finish his house and do lots of work around the yard. I liked that place better. At least we had a nice bathroom and didn't have to sleep with the saddles. At this point (13 years old) I had accepted that I wasn't going to be inviting any friends over for fun little sleep overs, so it didn't really matter that carpet remnants were all over the house and everywhere else was just concrete. We lived there for a while and I'm not really sure what we did to the house. But eventually, he got tired of us and we had to move again.

Then came the best of the best. We moved out into a trailer in the dessert accross the street from Roger and Kady. There was no running water or electricity for the first month or so. I basically sponge bathed during that time. Now I know why I didn't have any boyfriends. Hahaha, that wouldn't have been allowed even if the boys were all over me.

Lilly and I used to talk and wonder what in the heck our Mother was doing putting up with the stuff that she did from Father. These are the years that formulated my NEED for good plumbing and in the back of my mind I think if my husband moves me into a trailer with no running water and electricity I have premade the decision to run the other way. lol

I have to say though, that I was the happiest girl in the world when my Father bought me a Datson 210 with the passenger side door crushed in. It was my escape vehicle. I was truely grateful for that car. I don't think I ever thought for a second about the dent. I just knew it was my transportation away from my trailer in the dessert.

Anyway, it's funny how in some ways I strive to be like my Mother and in other ways, I pray that I'm never like her. I value her spiritual side so much, but then am puzzled by her lack of courage in other areas.

I am going to strive to be more truthful to myself. Even if it means communicating uncomfortable issues in my relationships.

I love you all,

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sourdough waffles

This is the recipe that I use for the most amazing waffles in the world.
I have a belgian waffle maker and that works great.

Plain greek yogurt, banana slices or strawberries with just a little drizzle of homemake maple syrup makes it a wonderful Sunday morning treat. I skipped last Sunday and the kids couldn't believe that I thought that was an ok thing to do.

This is what I use for bread, but I'm going to try Helen's and I'll let you know which I like better. This one is nice because it uses yeast and so you can get it done if a few hours instead of all day.

I am trying to make more bread so that we aren't eating store boughten bread anymore.

Good Luck and Enjoy.